Kabam Explain This I’m Confused

Entire bgs season....50+ games and I chose champ first 50/50 games. There was not one game where I didn’t suffer first and last defense throw Down. It sounds unlikely but I’m not lying I collected data this season and I had to throw down LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TIME. So can we get the statistics on what makes this decision or is my account bugged? This is starting to frustrate me very much and I’m stuck in Vibranium 2
guys it might sound dramatic but I recorded the last 50 games and every single time it happened.

I played over a 100 games and thr only consistent trend i found is that the better the account (PI, tip champs, progression, 7*s), the higher chance of placing defenders second.
In Vibranium 2, i have placed first 15 times and second once. The one time i placed second, i had a much better roster than my opponent (he had 2 r4s that i banned as opposed to my 7 and his other champs were r3). I think its been made so that people with better accounts get to go second and so smaller paragons are struggling in vibranium.
Then i tested whether i ban the first champion faster than the opponent i could go second. I did this by immediately banning the first champion i could find and im sure its faster than opponent (unless wifi differences creates problems) but still placed defender first 90% of the time.
Only theory of mine that is working 100% of the time is opponent's with stronger accounts than mine are placing defenders second.
I don’t doubt people’s claims about a problem when they pick first 78/80 times but I’m not experiencing that myself. There are enough reports that something does seem off but it doesn’t appear to be impacting everyone the same.
So @DerpyEagle according to your first post, you're frustrated about having to have picked 1st fifty times and from that I assume it's impeding your enjoyment/fun with the game mode. You also stated that you recorded the last 50 matches to dispove any neighsayers.
A bit of digging into the forums will reveal that this is a common complaint and that it could possibly be a bug of some sort. However most who complained about the same thing have not had evidence to back up the allegations. You do (at least according to you).
Why then refuse to send it to Kabam and help possibly get what some see as a major offense fixed? By saying you're not going to send Kabam video or screenshots, you're telling me that the issue is not that big of an issue or frustration for you.