In my opinion you missed the chance.

With the Aegon hype that’s back because of Necropolis I think that if you would have been smart you could have included 2018 champs in the past era selector and put a whole other price on that deal. You would have made a lot of money selling units to people who wants to get a 6* Aegon.
Besides that I must say that this years deals, especially the unit store deals, are very underwhelming.
Besides that I must say that this years deals, especially the unit store deals, are very underwhelming.

I should keep him 6R4 + Ascension, which is enough for Necropolis (or take him to R5 with rankup gem)
But if you are planning on exploring, then taking him to R5 + Ascension is more than worthy, since it will save you a lot of units, time and frustration.
Additionally, you will have a 6*R5+ Aegon ready for the next everest content.
We won’t see a 7* Aegon soon, and if we do the average summoner won’t be able to have him at a descent sig, let alone max sig 😉
Good Luck everybody.
If only they were smarter, they could have avoided all of that.