ACT 6 difficulty needs to be lowered

I think act 6 difficulty needs to be lowered since u lowered the difficulty for act 4&5 loads of people getting stuck kn a mr sinister boss chapter isnt fun the health doesnt go dowm at all even after 100 hits i know this because ive tried counless times and never beenn able to get past the boss tbh all of act 6 need to be lowered kabam if u read this u lowered act 4&5 when are you going to do act 6 i feel like u should it can make more and more people progress and by that get more and more people interested
1. Ask for counters and help
2. Don't have any idea what the nodes are because nodes? What are those
3. Entitlement.
If this continues we will have PLS NERF ACT-7 post right after banquet.
Act 6 is where you need to read nodes and learn the champs to figure out who in your roster can handle a given node/defender combo. You need to develop that skill and knowledge as some point for the game to be able to get more complex.
If you can’t figure out that you need to bring a champ that doesn’t crit or a champ that can control his regen for that Mr. Sinister boss then you aren’t ready to progress in the game yet. Learn the champs, read the nodes, or just google “mcoc 6.x.x east path” or “mcoc mr sinister boss” or “mcoc 6.2.2 Mr sinister” to get a ton of info on how to approach that fight or any boss fight you get stuck on.
For 6.2.2 I used guillotine 2099 because she doesn’t crit so he doesn’t regen and she’s immune to poison. If you bring heimdall and Angela or Hela you can use their synergy to get a fury on g2099. From there it’s an easy fight. There are other options for that fight now that didn’t exist when it came out. Omega sentinel seems like a good option with the heimdall/angela synergy also. Or warlock works but didn't have him at the time.
So no, it the difficulty doesn’t need to go down. Your gameplay and roster needs to improve.
In the future, if you come here asking for help when you’re stuck, you’ll get it. If you come here complaining it’s too hard and saying it needs to be nerfed it’s not going to go over well.
The difficulty needs lowering and some of the nodes taken out, as well as the rewards being buffed.
The difference in difficulty between acts 5 and 6 is a shock to the system, especially since they nerfed 5.
Those parts of the game (more so act 5) are an important training ground for what's to come
Take out one progression wall and another falls in place
Christ, at least you guys never had to go through it with barebones rosters and can now smack around act 6 with 6* r4 and r5s