AW Placement Issue - can’t select my BG.

I am currently assigned to BG 2 in war but I can’t place in either BG 1 or 2. It will let me place in BG3 but seeing as we only run 2 groups my defense can’t get included.

I sent in a ticket but they can’t resolve it and said to check forums or in game mail for future updates. Is anyone else having this issue and if they had it what fixed it? I tried restarting phone and deleting the game from my phone and redownloading it. I saw one post from a few months ago with this issue but don’t see it having a response. If I had to guess, this happened because I switched Ally mid season and was placed bg3 in that old ally so the game is stuck thinking I am in BG 3, but can’t do anything about that.


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,294 Guardian
    edited November 2023
    “Assignment” to a BG is just a leadership Recommendation.
    It does not lock you out of joining different BG's (in either AQ or AW).

    If you say you can’t join BG 1 or 2 on persistent defense, I assume you are saying that the 10 slots in each are NOT currently saying 10 of 10. (because, otherwise, that would be the “duh, obviously” answer, lol)

    That being said, I believe that current participation (on defense setup screens) shows how many ppl have their defense placed in **JUST THE CURRENT MAP TIER**. (maybe ?)

    It may be that the Ally had recently either moved UP or DOWN in Map Tier, and that while it used to have 10 ppl joined in what used to be “Current Tier”, now that they moved Up/Down there may be some in there that have yet to place their defense in that new Up/Down Tier that is now the Current Tier.
    **but they STILL have defenders in what WAS Current and is now either the new Up/Down, and so still counts as them being participating (locked) in that BG (even if they are NOT counting as one of the 10 on the main BG Panels “xx of 10” screen).
    So that would be 10 of 10 in there, even if it doesn’t look like that.
  • Pandorica333Pandorica333 Member Posts: 64
    Yeah my intent with saying I’m assigned to that bg2 was just to say it is not 10/10 full and I still can’t join, but that’s an interesting thought that another difficulty could have people placed that I can’t see. Will update if any results.
  • dangeragent33dangeragent33 Member Posts: 4
    It also happen to me...i also unable to join bg 1 or 2...what should i do?
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