Kabam, PLEASE stop this.

I don’t know what to say, other than this absolutely disgusts me. There is already a massive gap between free-to-play accounts and whales, and this is only going to further widen that margin.
For new champs I want, I grind arena events and have recently gotten top 400 for Kushala. For other new champs I want, I collect resources and patiently await their arrival in featured crystals…this is how I got photon, vox, and werewolf by night. To simply make a new champ available to valiant players for a cash grab makes me absolutely despise how this game continues push away FTP players.
You think Devs feed on FTP units?
They are intended to compete with whales, you have battle grounds and alliance war. Match making in BG’s is terrible and is only getting worse. When you have someone with maybe a couple 7*s and maybe r4 and r5 6*s that will now be going up against basically full decks of 6* r5’s, 7* r1-r3, and maybe some 6* r4’s it’s pretty much a loss for the little guy. It’s totally ruining the game mode especially for the ftp players. It’s not as big of an issue with AW for the simple fact you have the rest of your alliance with you also.
This will never change.
The banning feature can mitigate this, but you’re essentially forced into the ban not because of how strong a champion is, but due to the fact that there is not a fair way to learn fighting them. Im opposed to this on principle but you may disagree here. Its fine. Generally I think bans should stand on strategies not derived from “I literally have no way to figure this champ out because I cant practice fighting them anywhere”.
A perfect tool for this problem exists: The duel feature/practice feature. The problem is that finding high rarity versions to duel can be near impossible. Onslaught has high prestige so it may solve itself this time, but thats not true of most new releases. For reasons that I didn’t pick up on, kabam has limited who you can practice fighting to 1) champions you own and 2) the level you have then at currently. This makes no sense in my opinion as this feature should allow you to openly practice whichever fight you want with parameters you can set. If this option is allowed I think the issue of selling champs becomes moot as you can practice an arbitrary amount to figure put what works and doesnt.
Tl;dr: This problem is only a problem because we dont have a way to practice fighting these champions on the day they are being released. Fix the practice feature to allow for us to duel the targets the same day their pre-releases come out and I think thats a fair resolution
In absolute terms, maybe it does. But in proportional terms, it doesn't really. I mean, you could argue that if banks give everyone the same 2% interest rate that widens the gap between the rich and the poor, because the poor with $100 in the bank only get two dollars a year while the rich who have $100,000 in the bank get two thousand dollars a year, so they are getting so much more interest the gap between the two is expanding. But really, in proportional terms they are both getting exactly the same proportional benefit, and will be the exact same gap apart in proportional terms as well.
The rewards you earn are, for the most part, roughly proportional to your progressional tier, or rather the amount of stuff the average player has at that progression tier. As they add new progression tiers at the top, the rewards those players get at that progression tier must also rise in proportion. And as a consequence, the stuff they can buy for cash must also rise in proportion. But the *value* of those rewards, at least in broad strokes, stays roughly the same. The value of buying a 5* when the top rarity is 6 is roughly the same as buying a 6* when the top rarity is 7 for the top progression tier players.
There's this idea that the gap between spenders and free to play players just keeps getting larger, because what spenders can buy keeps getting higher. But that's not true: there is a counterbalancing force: game inflation. What the spenders are spending a lot to buy today, everyone else is going to getting much cheaper later. Eventually players will be getting for free. Time erodes all advantages, and the advantage that spenders are buying today is going to diminish to almost nothing eventually. The whales buying 6s today are the whales that were buying 5s in the past. How much advantage are all those 5s giving them today? Not nearly as much. If that was the only advantage anyone could buy, that advantage would have depreciated to almost nothing today.
It isn't the only advantage that people could buy, but all of them depreciate over time. The champs, the rank up materials, and even the stuff they earn with those things, all depreciate over time. Not to exactly zero, but to vastly lower amounts. Time reduces the gap between the free to play and the spenders, and it does so very powerfully. The advantages they are buying today are only temporary. Whales don't have a huge gap over the rest of us because they spent, they have that advantage because they spent, spend now, and will continue to spend in the future. The moment they stop spending, the rest of us start catching up immediately. They will always have more stuff, but that stuff will matter less and less.
Spenders are not spending to widen the gap, they are spending to maintain the gap, and the moment they stop spending that gap starts disappearing. Consider that, when you consider what spenders are actually getting for their money. Spenders are not really buying advantages, they are renting them, often at Manhattan prices.
and why shouldnt spenders get advantages or benifits ? they deserve it
1st the selling of six star featured champs positively affects free to play players by lowering arena scores. The same people buying the champ now have bigger rosters but are no longer competing in the featured arena. So in theory more top 400 spots should open up for FTP.
2nd - I personally get excited when I face a bg opponent with all the latest champs. It usually means they dont know how to play very well. I win those matches more than I lose.