So we now know for sure that The Chronoserpant saga won't end in 8.4

I mean it was obvious, but still...
Who would you like to see as future Corrupted champs bosses? Like Scytalis Bahamet Cerastes and Glykhan
Who would you like to see as future Corrupted champs bosses? Like Scytalis Bahamet Cerastes and Glykhan
Edit: We've actually had many Kangs already so scrap that idea
Best way I see this panning out is if the rest of the Avengers get corrupted, perhaps Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor or Scarlet Witch
Hey wait--
I think it could've been cool
I think it'll be heartbreaking if 9.3 boss will be Corrupted Aegon, Carina and us will manage to bring him back to his senses altough still in his Corrupted body, and then in 9.4 vs The Chronoserpant for a change we (The summoner) and Carina just wont be a match for The Chronoserpant and he will slowly corrupt and enslave the whole battlerealm, and somehow Aegon will understand the last resort is that he will have to use all his Corrupted power in a self destruction in order to defeat The Chronoserpant, idk, "I've used the stones to destroy the stones" kinda type of thing, and Carina will be like noooooooo Aegon I love yo...OK ok, noooooo Aegon I love you (as a good friend) and he will be like farewell Carina and will explode and actually defeat The Chronoserpant, but his ISO-8 belt will survive and Carina will wear it from then on
And so, summoners... another book of the Battlerealm comes to an end...
Aegon, the winner of the first contest of champions, and the ender to it, has became now the winner of the last contest of champions, hero of the contest, he will always be remembered...
Ok guys I think I've overdid myself
B, it's fun, this is something important
C, I can both enjoy the game and do productive things, that's called life
D, how much time do u think it took me to come up with thar stuff? 5 mins worst case scenario
In all seriousness, I just hope they keep the corrupted bosses going, they're fun to fight and they look sick
Hulkling + Wiccan
There’s an infinite amount of Galactuses?…Galactii?…roaming the battlerealm and destroying locations like it’s nothing and yet we’re focusing on Kitty who wants to have a party. There’s a 100% chance Galactus will consume Krakoa anyways.
I always enjoy the game’s dialogue and monthly storylines but the team really needs to get their priorities straight
Literally 3 messages above yours
Fortunately I read a lot @Pikolu I just missed a comment, calm down
Also the corrupted Punisher sounds cool, maybe a hint for the return of the main man Jon Bernthal as Frank
Make them painly hard, as revenge for being the laughing stock all of these years