RDT not giving back iso, gold

I just used one on a four star and it is not giving back the gold and iso, just the cats. Thanks for the item, but is it really the intended purpose? To shortchange the player in resources?
That's like saying a new car is useless unless they put gas in it for you. The value is the car, not the gas! the value is the RDT, not the gold/iso!
This is silly. for many, the gold and iso represent the same or even more of the resources that they used. For many like me, the cats are not what I needed back from the rank down tickets.
So are you going to use them? Of course you will because the greater value is in the limited catalysts, particularly for the 5*.
Nope. Your analogy is bad.
gold and iso are unlimited, t2a are not. While they are more available now, they are still very hard to get. The 4 T2A are at least 95% of the value of the rank down ticket, in all reality closer to 100%
Not really
I disagree. Lots of players can use these. I haven't ranked up crappy 5* champs at all, but I'll gladly rank down my Ultron and rank up my 4* Stark Spidey that I recently got. Once I get the cats again I will rank up Ultron again.
The gold, I get enough from arena. The iso, I have over 2k tier 4 and 5 iso in my overflow. I don't need it. But even if I did, there's a gold realm going on and there are more then enough quests that give good iso, but not a lot of places to get t4c's.
Starting accounts can use it to shift from the "have to rank" 3 or 4 star champ they level early because it was the only way to progress to a champ they recently pulled and will help out more.
And then there are the players that can't do level up because everything is ranked up already, this gives them a way to rank down and rank up again. They just need to figure out if the loss in gold and iso is worth the level up rewards. For most in this situation it is.
You're not forced to use them. You can, but you don't have to. If you don't want to then don't, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have gotten them. Not giving them means no one can use them, giving them leaves everybody a choice. They luckily only give 3 in total, so others don't gain an unfair advantage when they are able to use them while you are not.
@TheRealWolly did you not read the in game mail all the way through? It clearly stated that there wouldn't be any gold or ISO. There has been gold realms for the past week with tons of opportunity for gold. All the quests and rewards from calendar events have given tons of shards for crystals with chances to dupe characters. With everything they have given over the past couple of weeks, its crazy to think that you can complain about this. Read the in game mail next time and if you don't like what they did, don't use them.
For reference, I ranked 5* Iceman to R4 a few weeks ago and ran out of gold and iso around level 20. It took me two days to get the gold and iso to finish leveling him up, and that’s without playing arena. If I had to wait for the catalysts to rank him, it would have taken months at least. This is purely to illustrate that gold and iso are readily available, so not including them is not a “slap in the face” or a “double edged sword” or any other bad metaphor. Play the game, get gold and iso.
Im not sure the message could have been more clear. My question is, did you have any RDT's before? No? Then its a gift. They gave you RDT even after stating they werent going to again. The wording was even in orange font color. People like you are why we cant have nice things. I for one found great value in the tickets. I was able to R5 Morningstar by taking down a unused champ. All you had to was play this game to get these. Dont use them if you find useless.
People pissed off at Kabam because they didnt get 110k gold for ranking down a 4r5 ....
People pissed off at Kabam because they dont understand the value of rank down tickets.
People pissed off at Kabam because they dont understand why Kabam gave them out.
People pissed off at Kabam becuase they dont understand the game or how to progress in it.
Found the problem, you didn’t read. One does not have to be addicted to read a message. Now you’re upset because you didn’t read and other players don’t agree with your opinion. But this doesn’t make you right.
Sorry if you lost out by using the items without understanding the impact it would have.
@TheRealWolly those weren't ideas..... more of a statement of facts. As for literacy skills, I read the in-game message and understood it loud and clear. Something that obviously didn't happen with you and now you are butt-hurt because it wasn't what you wanted. Enjoy the RDT's.