Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

AQ disconnect issue

I’m on my 4th day of AQ in map 3. I already did a number of fights without issue, but now I’m getting stalled out then disconnected when I try to traverse the map any further


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    DzlVikingDzlViking Posts: 4
    I’m having the same issue. Why can’t I finish the AQ map that I started. This is going to cost my alliance and myself points and rewards for the AQ event. Kabam please fix issue and compensate for inconvenience
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    This has happened to my alliance since yesterdays inability to join our map 8 AQ now todays as well…. We didn’t waste resources only to get a low score.. now we’re being deducted -1,701 prestige each loss and no word on any of this from anyone other than the two commentators before me. Is this a very isolated situation or what’s going on? It’s. Not. Ok. . .
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    Arrow896Arrow896 Posts: 1
    Same issue currently
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    EhjayEhjay Posts: 2
    Same. AQ is broken
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    2nd day in row of either bing kicked out, frozen in map and now unable to get back in to the map I joined. Just stuck in loading purgatory. Don’t want to lose glory for myself or my ally. Multiple people in my alliance are experiencing this
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    I can't get into it all all for two days, I've been able to before then but it's cyclical and works sometimes and not others
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    THEORY said:

    This has happened to my alliance since yesterdays inability to join our map 8 AQ now todays as well…. We didn’t waste resources only to get a low score.. now we’re being deducted -1,701 prestige each loss and no word on any of this from anyone other than the two commentators before me. Is this a very isolated situation or what’s going on? It’s. Not. Ok. . .

    “No word from anyone other than 2 commenters before”. Well, it may not be the same issue as OP here.

    Also, deducting Prestige isn’t permanent, and for final day losing prestige doesn’t matter at all because it goes back to default base Alliance Prestige at start of next week. (But the couple days beforehand, yes, having lost prestige then would have affected points a little bit in these last 2 days, but not beating boss or exploring would cost you a lot more points though, compared to the lower amount because of lower prestige)

    I can't get into it all all for two days, I've been able to before then but it's cyclical and works sometimes and not others

    So for MANY people who have commented EVERY week, about suddenly not being able to get in to AQ towards the later part of the week…
    Simple answer (unless specific issues are something actually different and a bug) is that by design, each individual can ONLY join in a maximum of 4 days worth of AQ (no matter in which BG's or even changing between BG's), their max each week/series is a max of 4 days worth.

    So like for @THEORY , it may be that the people you expect to join that Map-8 have already done their max of 4 days worth.
    There should be OTHER PEOPLE who could have joined that Map-8 (who had not reached their max of 4 days yet), unless your alliance is actually less than 30 people but you are still running full 3-BG's times 4 days for each BG (then, indeed, some BG's at end of week will be short, until you can get to 30 people for next week).
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    DakhagedDakhaged Posts: 9
    Hello, my alliance is having same issue with AQ. We only play one BG today. But halfway thru this last day of AQ none of the players in AQ could advance any further. At this moment there is still over 3 hours left and any time any of us try to advance the game freezes. We know you can only play 4 days out of the AQ week. But it would not let us join the AQ if we did 4 maps already. Not clearing this map will make us short of getting the next Milestone. Please help!
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    DakhagedDakhaged Posts: 9

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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 294
    edited December 2023
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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 294
    This is not at all to do with what you describe. What you describe would prevent entry on the map, not locking them out mid-map. Also, on the other thread no one went over the weekly limit.
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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 294
    And of course we are able to move now that we have only one hour left...
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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 294
    Great stuff! Now random disconnects on AW mid fight too.

    Maybe check your servers before blaming players?
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★
    edited December 2023
    Same here, after mini boss fight, i can't move anymore. The spinner comes up and the game closes.
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    Sw0rdMasterSw0rdMaster Posts: 1,748 ★★★★

    THEORY said:

    This has happened to my alliance since yesterdays inability to join our map 8 AQ now todays as well…. We didn’t waste resources only to get a low score.. now we’re being deducted -1,701 prestige each loss and no word on any of this from anyone other than the two commentators before me. Is this a very isolated situation or what’s going on? It’s. Not. Ok. . .

    “No word from anyone other than 2 commenters before”. Well, it may not be the same issue as OP here.

    Also, deducting Prestige isn’t permanent, and for final day losing prestige doesn’t matter at all because it goes back to default base Alliance Prestige at start of next week. (But the couple days beforehand, yes, having lost prestige then would have affected points a little bit in these last 2 days, but not beating boss or exploring would cost you a lot more points though, compared to the lower amount because of lower prestige)

    I can't get into it all all for two days, I've been able to before then but it's cyclical and works sometimes and not others

    So for MANY people who have commented EVERY week, about suddenly not being able to get in to AQ towards the later part of the week…
    Simple answer (unless specific issues are something actually different and a bug) is that by design, each individual can ONLY join in a maximum of 4 days worth of AQ (no matter in which BG's or even changing between BG's), their max each week/series is a max of 4 days worth.

    So like for @THEORY , it may be that the people you expect to join that Map-8 have already done their max of 4 days worth.
    There should be OTHER PEOPLE who could have joined that Map-8 (who had not reached their max of 4 days yet), unless your alliance is actually less than 30 people but you are still running full 3-BG's times 4 days for each BG (then, indeed, some BG's at end of week will be short, until you can get to 30 people for next week).
    Your theory doesn't add up. My alliance runs the last day as our fourth, so nobody has done their 4th day until day 7 and its stuck mid way thru AQ.
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