Alliance banquet rewards

I joined my new alliance dec 6th at 7:10pm cst. This afternoon opened roughly 20 greater banquet crystals but I earned 0 points nor did my alliance what am I missing???? Really sucks because I'm now out of units and my alliance has met all the milestones 

If my calculations are correct based on the Dec 6 2023 (join alliance date), you should have held off opening GBC until Dec 22 or Dec 23 (depending when Kabam officially recognized that you joined this alliance).
Sadly any GBC that you open before you pass 14 days will not count towards Alliance GBC points.. so I guess if you can contribute some points you could possibly get something.
Crystals done before that did NOT count towards Ally Event.
Sucks, but if you would have waited as the timer suggested it would have been fine
I know that they have said so in the live stream and forums, but not everybody follows that closely…
The explanation, @Captsa_29 .
@psp742 That looks like a countdown, doesn't it?
And the event only runs for 14 days.
So anyone joining right now (even though still within the first day of the event) will NOT be able to reach the 14 day lockout time before the event itself will end.
That's why they don’t just lock out the milestones but still count the points, because then Ally's would cycle in/out hundreds of “dummy” accounts, going toward the Ally's overall points. So this way the points don’t count either.
The pics above that were showing people still needing just an hour or 2 more were from people who joined Ally 13+ days ago, and just needed to wait a little bit more until they reached the 14 day mark.
Nobody can change now and do any Ally points for a new Ally (and thus won’t qualify for any new Ally's milestones or ranks because they can’t put in any points).
What more message would you need? I think it is very clear. And if in doubt about the meaning, you could have asked. Well, now you know. Surely in December 2024 you will not make the same mistake.