Hi Kabam!

Hello everyone, I'm Soul Savior a Summoner of this Kabam universe, playing game for almost 4 years. I'm new to this forum.
I'm here to thank the kabam community for giving me such amazing experience for over 4 years. I'm a die heart fan of Marvel & this game has gave me some marvelous feeling.
I'm very excited to have a great discussion ahead with all the members & community of this forum.
I'm here to thank the kabam community for giving me such amazing experience for over 4 years. I'm a die heart fan of Marvel & this game has gave me some marvelous feeling.
I'm very excited to have a great discussion ahead with all the members & community of this forum.
1. Do not flood the forums with new threads. Enthusiasm is great, but one mistake many new forum members make is starting dozens of threads about many different topics. I get it, the forums are a relatively slow paced conversation medium, and it can get boring to post a message and then wait for replies. At forum-speed, a person can participate in many conversations simultaneously. But while you might be able to handle three or five or ten threads at once, imagine multiplying that by fifty or a hundred players. That would be a ton of new threads for everyone else to try to keep up with. And imagine you're at a party and there's several conversations going on in different groups. If you tried to participate in all of them, simultaneously that would look weird. It would look like you were trying to monopolize the entire party. At least initially, start one active thread at a time and focus on it. There's no harm in *replying* to many threads going on simultaneously, it is just starting lots of them that tends to be frowned upon.
2. Don't take disagree flags personally. There are a lot of people who just like to disagree with anything and everything. And there are lots of people who don't really want to take the time to post replies and just use flags in general. Disagrees don't harm your forum account, they don't harm your forum experience, they are just a number. I have 15,759 of them. What matters is not how many disagrees you have, or agrees, or any other flag. What matters is whether you make interesting posts, you treat people with respect, and you don't overreact to the stuff that can happen on a public forum. People will remember you if you are someone they want to read, whether they agree with you or not.
3. Don't demand things. At least until you have a clear idea of how the forum community responds to such things, it is better to ask for explanations than demand changes. This is not to say you can't criticize the game or you can't suggest improvements. The forums are very receptive to people saying "I think this could be better in my opinion." It isn't quite so receptive to "this sucks" or "I demand this." If something seems broken to you, discuss it. Ask questions about it. Before you demand things change, make sure you understand why they might be how they are.
4. Have fun. Don't take things too seriously on the forums. If people engage with your posts, great. If they don't, remember not everyone will always be interested in the same things you are. But either way, try not to take anything too personally. Sarcasm and even a lot of humor doesn't always translate well onto the forums. Be a little forgiving if people seem harsher than they should be, and be mindful of how others might see your own statements. No matter what happens on the forums, remember we are all playing a game and discussing a past time. Sometimes those discussions can get heated, sometimes they can get weird, sometimes they can get completely bonkers. Always make sure you can take a step back and see the forest for the trees. Don't let anything that happens on the forums negatively impact your enjoyment of the game. You're playing the game to have fun. You should participate on the forums for the same reason. It might be a very different kind of fun, but if it is not a positive experience, take a step back, take a breath, and then come back.
Did I say these would be brief? Well I lied. We do that on the forums.