How’s your 7* Roster & Progression / R3 plans
Pulled skilled and decided to go with Chee”lith
100% necropolis and I am thinking r3 werewolf by night, and become Valient.
Still have 5 paths to go.
For those who have r3’s
What did you go with ? And are you planning to become valient.
And hows your guys current 7* Roster and plans for the future for your current progressions
100% necropolis and I am thinking r3 werewolf by night, and become Valient.
Still have 5 paths to go.
For those who have r3’s
What did you go with ? And are you planning to become valient.
And hows your guys current 7* Roster and plans for the future for your current progressions
Still working my way to 100% necropolis (3/6) but I consider taking Shocker to r3
Other champs which I still think about are Wiccan, Gamora or Storm pyramid X
The other? Well, I have plenty of time to ponder it before 8.4 is released. (Unless Shuri shows up with the Jan 15th road to the crypt rewards. Then I might wade back into necropolis)
Don’t know who I’d r3 next. No plans to do the other 5 necro paths any time soon so no rush to decide 😎
R3d this fellow to help me get the rest of the way. Also have a good bit of T4a in case it becomes available in 2024.
Dr. Zola
My second r3 is shuri and I absolutely love her too.
For the future I'm thinking I want to r3 Chavez, then Joe Fixit.
If I had a werewolf I would r3 him.
Well played... props on the choice
Stealing from paying players doesn't seem like a solid business plan. Without judgement, you sure you didn't do something you aren't supposed to?