Gifting milestones don't make sense

Why is it that the minimum requirements for the alliance gifting milestones are so high?
To reach the final milestone as an alliance you only need 350,000 points or 11,666.667 per person yet the individual minimum is 21,000 which equals 630,000 points or 280,000 more than the minimum.
can we please get some transparency on this please.
To reach the final milestone as an alliance you only need 350,000 points or 11,666.667 per person yet the individual minimum is 21,000 which equals 630,000 points or 280,000 more than the minimum.
can we please get some transparency on this please.
I want to hear this from a Mod not from people. And I’m not just gonna go away I’ll keep this thread alive until they respond
The individual event and the Ally event arent linked mate. You have to hot the milestones on both. If you go over on the ally one because you want to hit the individual one thats just what happens. They arent linked so if you hit the ally one it means you also hit the individual one as well
Thats just the way it set up, so people not in allys can benefit from gifting as well
Plus what can the mods say or do? They will direct you to the announcement and what the milestones are for each case, that's it. They cant change it at all
exactly doesnt make sense. its just simple math
The milestones are high to encourage “gifting” in this season of selflessness—doesn’t everyone see that?;)
Plus to help allys with less than 30 members as well
You have to gift more after you reach the milestones, cant you see that? You dont have to stop at all, the ally can get to the final milestone. Mine has already
The problem is that you can have an alliance reach the final milestone and nobody be able to claim it because the individual milestones are to high
Can you screenshot please mate, maybe you are seeing something different than me?
how does this helps smaller alliances to make the milestones higher
Iit does make sense to me they aren't "milestone divided by 30" for the individual. By not dividing them between 30 members it doesn't put alliances that don't have 30 members at a disadvantage.
the Final milestone for alliance gifting is 350,000 points
if all 30 members contribute 12,000 points they will have reached the final milestone but they would all be unable to claim since they dont have the 21,000 minimum. how does that make sense.
it makes it even harder are you even listening to yourself or just being a troll
Mate, the reason is, you have to all decide to spend more units to get the rewards. It really is that simple. There is no mistake at all. Most allys will say no, so they lose a few rewards. If you choose yes then you get the rewards
I really dont see what the mods can say or do on this, it is simple to understand?
Mate you keep bumping this, and asking the same thing over and over. When it has been explained to you many times already. I really dont see what you think the mods, or anyone else, will say that is different? Thats the points needed for the milestones, either achieve them or dont, simple as that
Kabam, please comment on this issue. Thanks!
You're really going out of your way to be rude and unhelpful. He's asking why they made the rules the way they are, and your only reply is "Because...that's why!"
Leave him alone and let a mod answer him. If you really think he's wasting his time, then why waste yours engaging him? He has a valid question. If you're having a party and tell 20 people the cost of the part is 100, but you expect them all to bring $10, then they have a valid question if they ask why they have to pay double the cost of the event just to attend. Both the party host and kabam really only have one answer - being greedy.
I like that's he's calling them out on this, and they are ignoring it, because it will show people that are considering spending for this event how unfair it really is for them. You're telling him to stop posting for no good reason. Hopefully you can see that and you aren't another one of these unofficial mods that just come to troll people with valid concerns until they don't bother posting here anymore.
Now i know that you're just trolling and have nothing else to do. If you could be so kind as to ignore my post i would greatly appreciate it. The only people i want to respond to this are either mods that would answer my question or someone else with positive feed back not another troll like yourself.
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Pertinax
@Kabam Loto
Dude there was another thread on this same subject matter, which you already commented on. Don't expect a moderator to answer if you keep calling them out every 5 minutes. It's against the forum rules to do so anyway. Pretty sure the mods won't label this constructive feedback lol.
Of course the individual milestones are way too high to reach the alliance milestones. Of course a mod isn't going to respond, because Kabam has designed the gifting event to be a total cash grab and they can't officially say that. But it is a cash grab because some of the items are supposed to be pretty rare, like t2a fragments and t4cc to a lesser extent.
Players can either choose to stump out the cash to reach those last few precious milestones, or they don't. It's not totally fair and I personally don't like it, but I also understand Kabam wanting to keep a high benchmark for the last few milestones as the items gained are still rare commodities (and wring out a few extra bucks from the playing community in the process as they are wont to do).
We can voice out complaints and hope Kabam rectifies it next year if not this year, but do so in conformance with the rules set here.
They have shown time and time again they will do what they want with no regard for the players. Sometimes this is the right thing, when it's done with care, caution and plenty of insight into the ramifications of what all will be affected by a change.
Kabam has no such process. No testing, no logic, no reasoning. Adapt to the new meta.
But yes, a response is warranted at this point but seeing as many many threads are being completely ignored, I expect nothing.
Really isn't that difficult to setup another account anyways i don't lose much by being banned from forums since pretty much most post go ignored by moderators so whatever happens, happens
My alliance already hit all milestones but because the minimums are so high a lot haven’t been able to collect them even though most have done their part.