Galan or CGR?

UMad8ro3UMad8ro3 Member Posts: 135
Would love the communities opinion. Which champ is best to use the 6* 4-5 gem on and ascend? I mostly care about BG and questing.

Galan or CGR? 53 votes

JoeLukaTerraXPRAKASHXWine_LoverLuke9523edriccaptain_rogersIronman3000LeoZedBatman1234Giantwalrus56JoseOkAzenstarThokk150SpookyquailRuwqiersaNorman_OroJJMACMiniMFSilentAris 23 votes
Cosmic Ghost Rider
Spity68Ragnarok13MityAntHeattblasttDjinMother_FlerkenPolygonTheExit27Sparx265Ben_15455Gr8TonyStarkAJ0076HAVOC6INC_6Matthew950Messy151LBN1ZAHIDMALIK1588Pat_McGloin_1UnitboyJohny_Joestar 30 votes


  • UMad8ro3UMad8ro3 Member Posts: 135
    Thanks for the input? Any other thoughts? I’m going to ascend whoever I take up.
  • Black_avenger13Black_avenger13 Member Posts: 7
    I have both and I use both of them. You can't dex with cgr but his damage is just insane. On damage scale cgr is just a little better, on easy to use - galan is better.
  • Thokk150Thokk150 Member Posts: 107
    cgr is so strong that he doesn't really need the r5 and ascension, if you want more details, check the comment by slayer of gods in this video
    Meanwhile galan's harvest gets a chunky boost and he becomes a scarier defender, so imo the coice is pretty easy
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,394 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024

    Cgr requires a extremely specific playstyle highly dependent on ai cooperation.
    And we all know how ai is unpredictable these days.
    Although he is better attacker than galan, galan is more safe and versatile.

    Slayer is out for your head buddy better sleep with one eye open
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,394 ★★★★★

    I have both and I use both of them. You can't dex with cgr but his damage is just insane. On damage scale cgr is just a little better, on easy to use - galan is better.

    Has no one in this thread ever watched a slayer of gods video on CGR?
  • SagaChampionSagaChampion Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★
    Cosmic Ghost Rider
    CGR 🔥💪😌
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,659 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    You should look up how much of a damage bump Galan R4 vs Galan R5 is (as well as whether Ascension also boosts the damage from Harvest).

    I don't know the answer, but similar to Magneto's SP3, if you're doing enough damage as R4 after finishing your ramp up (ie. getting the KO), then it is not really necessarily to take to R5 if you have other options. The caveat being, with more 7-stars present, your 6-star Galan's harvest might not be doing as much damage as before so it could make sense to take him up for increase in burst damage.

    As a separate reasoning: Hulkling has overlap with Galan; I have been using Hulkling more than Galan in general (BG and questing). So in my world, I would choose CGR to rank up since my Hulkling is already ranked up, as CGR does different things from Galan/Hulkling.

  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,228 ★★★★★
    Cosmic Ghost Rider
    OP who did you end up doing?

    I have the same poll in General Discussion and just like here its a dead even tie on the votes.

    I am leaning towards CGR. The argument that “his damage is already fine unascended or at r4” no longer holds because now we have 7r2 and r3 defenders and good luck using a CGR against a KM at low rank. The same argument applies to Torch and AA now.

    Btw @altavista brings up an interesting point that Hulkling already covers Galans fights. He’s also right that CGR fulfills a separate bucket of defenders like Nick Fury, KM, Korg, Maestro, Photon, probably even Onslaught. Bleed immunity can be nice for Bullseye
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