Weapon-X or Jessica Jones? 5*

KOSHKOSH Member Posts: 37
From the rare champs crystal..... Thanks for any feedback :smile:

Weapon-X or Jessica Jones? 5* 25 votes

CdvaFeeney234HilldarCrossy76MaxGamingedricEwell65SSS69ItsClobberinTimeJ4mmy_d0dger123Charlie21540Jaffa_SagaChampionDenic_2580Kirberus_ 14 votes
Jessica Jones
KiptonadeAssumedNamePureskilzz000Bugmat78Disthene_THassamaMamaJAYJAY3001DukenpukeMediumsYappsSilentArisICanSeeUranus 11 votes


  • J4mmy_d0dger123J4mmy_d0dger123 Member Posts: 297 ★★
    edited January 5
    He’s the OG, and extremely hard to counter in BG, I pulled him as a 6* in the banquet and took him to R3 immediately, hilariously enough he almost always gets banned in BGs

    Take yours to R5, sig 200 him and then ascend him.
  • KOSHKOSH Member Posts: 37
    edited January 5
    So X?
  • DukenpukeDukenpuke Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Jessica Jones
    Depends on what you're using them for. 5* champs aren't going to get a ton of use for much longer, and I find JJ much more fun to play than Weapon X.

    If it was a 6*, I'd probably suggest Weapon X.
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