Underrated or Overrated: Hawkeye

My opinion: I think he is underrated. Is he as good as Kate? Probably not but he is still good. I’m hoping Bullseye will be just as good as these two, and that he will probably have synergies with them
Underrated or Overrated: Hawkeye 134 votes
Skill power drain is more useful than you think.
His sig ability should be his ability imo.
Well for Hawkeye and kate, when releasing their arrows, there will be a star at the end of the release, it will be visible for about 0.5 s, You have to release in correspondence to that star.
Go look for jason vorhees video for kate, She explained it very well, The same goes for Hawkeye, all you have to do is look for the star in the arrow during specials, and release as soon as you see the star.
Wayyyyyy back he was my first r5 4*, and I loved him, but nowadays there's just much better champs that hit harder with better bleeds or better power control.
To be fair though, I haven't played him much since his rework, but I do hate the perfect release mechanic.
When I see both champs I am really turned off