Average revive count for Mr F Path with Kate/Shuri Team?

Leaving this path for last because I heard its the “easiest” if you have a 7 star shuri. Mine is rank 2 and Kate is r5 ascended , Chavez also rank 2
Path 1 was really easy for me to Kate minus the Aarkus and Valkyrie, i managed a lot of solos. But the Mr F path has an Apocalypse, Tigra, and Herc. I assume the first two are easy for Shuri and Kate.
My concern is more so the Herc and Air Walker with the cornered trap node as I’m trying to bring Nick Fury over a counter like Abs Man for those fights.
For a team of rank 2 Shuri and rank 6 Kate, how many revives would this path cost on *average*?
Path 1 was really easy for me to Kate minus the Aarkus and Valkyrie, i managed a lot of solos. But the Mr F path has an Apocalypse, Tigra, and Herc. I assume the first two are easy for Shuri and Kate.
My concern is more so the Herc and Air Walker with the cornered trap node as I’m trying to bring Nick Fury over a counter like Abs Man for those fights.
For a team of rank 2 Shuri and rank 6 Kate, how many revives would this path cost on *average*?
As for Herc, Kate will work yes, just be careful with the spacing when you punish his specials with heavy to refresh your coldsnaps, I died bunch of times like an idiot because I did it wrong and got clipped by last hit of sp1.
You say you solo'd a couple of Path 1 fights, so this path itself will also be a bit of an easier one as it has a lot of fights that can be Solo'd with Shuri: Namor, Attuma, Wiccan, Apocalypse, Captain America.
She's also a great counter for Captain Britain and Dragon Man both because you can choose not to crit.
She completely ignores the "Against the Ropes" trap.
Herc was really annoying when I did that path, so was Nova. Tigra becomes easy once you actually get the hang of dodging her specials down, she threw them so consistently during my fight it became clockwork, but one mistake and you're dead. I went full Karate Mike on this path and did it with only Shuri and Zemo. Fun, but not wise. The top half will be a slow crawl.
Good luck. I'm wagering you're sub 70 revives.
Kate does AW pretty easily, just heal to full and take some of the damage and she’ll still solo
Herc sucks so bad. His sp1 spacing is weird and he mitigates damage
Will kate work for necropolis namor? Seems like no one tried her on namor.
Took me 65 revives
Aegon runs are a revive fest but he makes GM cheap. Shuri and Kate would take awhile and would not even be able to ignore the command prompts in phase 3
Btw both sections 1 (mr fantastic lane) and section 2 (apoc lane) are easier than sections 1 and 2 of the Sauron /Surfer paths if I’m using Kate and have a 7 star Shuri?
They should be. Mr. F, Att, and Namor should be a breeze with Shuri and Kate, and the rest of the path is just standard stuff. 7* Shuri should destroy everything Kate can’t handle as well, and it should be easier. The second half has the annoying Herc fight, but it’s just standard stuff outside of that. Shuri for Apoc, Kate for Tigra, and Kate for everything else
For storm px i was going to originally bring Ronan, but would Herc work? With shuri and kate, GM could take longer to get down so someone that can do both storm and be good for GM seems better than Ronan just for 1 fight imo.
Also regarding the relic, should i use 6* BW to fill up the spirit gauge faster or 5* WS relic for the extra damage? Filling up the gauge faster can help for fights that are a bit more tricky to refresh debuffs and my WS relic is only rank 2
I have a lot of revives and potions expiring and trying to figure out which path in section 2 to take that would most likely require using the most of the 2