Overrated or Underrated: Red Hulk

NAGASE recently uploaded a video on ascended Red Hulk
He is honestly a pretty simple champion. Dual immunities, has burst damage, has regen, and has an incinerate on his SP3, different, but similar to his Green counterpart.
So what do we think, nowadays is he overrated, underrated or perfectly rated? Or is he just a synergy piece for the flaming trinity with 7* Domino and Masacre?

He is honestly a pretty simple champion. Dual immunities, has burst damage, has regen, and has an incinerate on his SP3, different, but similar to his Green counterpart.
So what do we think, nowadays is he overrated, underrated or perfectly rated? Or is he just a synergy piece for the flaming trinity with 7* Domino and Masacre?
Overrated or Underrated: Red Hulk 156 votes
He's incredibly solid, decently sustainable and enjoyable damage.
Solid damage, and high physical resistance.
Not reliant on debuffs for damage unlike most science champs.
A small but nice regen.
He deserves some love.
Overlooked, rather than under rated because its torch or bust for most mystic fights, I'll draft both if I get them.
Love my R4 Rulk.
I've been using RHulk for a long time. He destroys hazard shift in AW. He was my MVP for Bahamet.
RHulk is very underrated. He has a new synergy with Chee'lith that increases his burst damage.
I ascended mine on 11/29/23 and haven't regretted it.
Double immunity, resistance, regen, burst damage are ups.
Needing 4-5 SP1s to ramp up (or be touched by a mystic) and having no offensive utility are the downs.