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Road To The Crypt Rewards Are Here !!

Celebrate your completion rewards or seek some consoling from your fellow summoners below ^^ I’ll start



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    Johnrs45Johnrs45 Posts: 76
    ProjecteX said:

    Celebrate your completion rewards or seek some consoling from your fellow summoners below ^^ I’ll start

    Great I got duped gorr and red goblin and cheelith
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,598 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Worth the wait:

    I'm saving my Titan though, don't want to risk pulling Dani Moonstar lol

    Same here. We should start a support group for people who are impatient and want to open their titans now

    Every time I see a Kushala or another good pull I hover over the button lmao
    Donno about you, but I'll cry if i pull a dani jabari crossbones or even dupe my ham
  • Options
    ProjecteXProjecteX Posts: 53
    Johnrs45 said:

    ProjecteX said:

    Celebrate your completion rewards or seek some consoling from your fellow summoners below ^^ I’ll start

    Great I got duped gorr and red goblin and cheelith
    Pretty sick, a dupe on gorr is huge for his debuff upkeep. Red Goblin definitely has his uses and Chee’ilth is due a tune up :)
  • Options
    ProjecteXProjecteX Posts: 53
    Emilia90 said:

    Worth the wait:

    I'm saving my Titan though, don't want to risk pulling Dani Moonstar lol

    Same here. We should start a support group for people who are impatient and want to open their titans now

    Every time I see a Kushala or another good pull I hover over the button lmao
    I should’ve waited really, it’s definitely the play. A Dani moonstar would’ve ruined me
  • Options
    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,479 ★★★★★
    ProjecteX said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Worth the wait:

    I'm saving my Titan though, don't want to risk pulling Dani Moonstar lol

    Same here. We should start a support group for people who are impatient and want to open their titans now

    Every time I see a Kushala or another good pull I hover over the button lmao
    I should’ve waited really, it’s definitely the play. A Dani moonstar would’ve ruined me
    Haha yeah. Glad you got lucky though!
  • Options
    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,479 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    Worth the wait:

    I'm saving my Titan though, don't want to risk pulling Dani Moonstar lol

    Same here. We should start a support group for people who are impatient and want to open their titans now

    Every time I see a Kushala or another good pull I hover over the button lmao
    Donno about you, but I'll cry if i pull a dani jabari crossbones or even dupe my ham
    Very few things scare me in Mcoc as much as opening up Titan crystals
  • Options
    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,619 ★★★★★
    edited January 17
    ProjecteX said:

    Emilia90 said:

    Worth the wait:

    I'm saving my Titan though, don't want to risk pulling Dani Moonstar lol

    Same here. We should start a support group for people who are impatient and want to open their titans now

    Every time I see a Kushala or another good pull I hover over the button lmao
    I should’ve waited really, it’s definitely the play. A Dani moonstar would’ve ruined me
    I'm holding myself back with the power of a million exploding suns.

    It's just staring at me. Tempting me
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    Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Posts: 248
    Nothing here so far…🙁
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,598 ★★★★★
    ProjecteX said:

    Johnrs45 said:

    ProjecteX said:

    Celebrate your completion rewards or seek some consoling from your fellow summoners below ^^ I’ll start

    Great I got duped gorr and red goblin and cheelith
    Pretty sick, a dupe on gorr is huge for his debuff upkeep. Red Goblin definitely has his uses and Chee’ilth is due a tune up :)

    This is second dupe for gorr, I guess he loves me a lot.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    Morbius from the titan and Mantis and Chavez from the basics.

    Still can’t find Nick or Kingpin from the skill Abyss so I awakened Zemo.
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    UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Posts: 1,125 ★★★★
    Do I want Skill for Kate, Science for Torch, or Cosmic for Galan. Still missing each of them...
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    JefechutaJefechuta Posts: 1,212 ★★★★
    Got Werewolf by Night, which is R2 now, and Emma which is decent so
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    TheShinyDomeTheShinyDome Posts: 185 ★★

    Nothing here so far…🙁

    Me either.
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    Ben5926Ben5926 Posts: 37

    Nothing here so far…🙁

    Me either.
    Same. Nothing yet for me
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    OakenshieldOakenshield Posts: 1,842 ★★★★

    Not super great pulls for me aside from Mantis, who is about as good as it gets in the Skill basic pool but not my favorite. Guess I need to figure her out now!

    Another dup on my Venom relic isn’t particularly helpful particularly given how few 6* relics I have and the Spider Gwen dup is nice but also not super helpful given how much I use her.

    Disappointed to have not pulled a Shuri, but have ranked my 6* to R4 and am about to begin my final exploration run.
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,156 ★★★★★
    duped my Knull and ...... duped Hawkeye smh
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    YagaYaga Posts: 30
    I needed 2 dupes to be able to open a titan and it happened. OG BP and Mr. Fixit.
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    I awakened my Falcon and got Sunspot for the first time from the 7* crystals, so that was nice. Also gave me the last few Titan shards to form a crystal, but I'm trying to hold off on opening that one until the next shift.

    I ascended Kingpin and Human Torch with the dust. Torch has been at r5 for a while but I only r5'd Kingpin yesterday so he's jumped up in power significantly in the past few days.

    I'll probably hold onto the 1-2 gem until I open the Titan crystal. There are quite a few champions there who would get it immediately, with Onslaught being the main chase. I've loved that character ever since I read the X-Men comics as a kid in the 90's.
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    Mikes_momMikes_mom Posts: 131
    2 Basic 7 Stars & 1 Loyalty 7 Stars + Extras
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    DrZolaDrZola Posts: 8,745 ★★★★★
    edited January 17

    Both second time dupes, so that’s basically 1200 Titan shards.

    I must be on the *no new 7* champ* server because I don’t even see a Warlock, Shang, Juggs, etc.

    Ascended Onslaught and duped my 5* SM99 relic (6* already awakened) so that’s nice.

    Dr. Zola
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    TheFifty9SoundTheFifty9Sound Posts: 23
    I got Gambit and Attuma from my 7* shards. Don't know anything about Attuma 😅 My 2-3 gem was cosmic and I didn't have any 7* cosmics yet, so I held onto my 7* class selectors until now, because I wanted to see if I pulled one naturally.

    With none coming from the shards I selected cosmic for my first 7* selector and pull Venom, who was at the top of my list out of the cosmic pool. Really happy about that. I watched some videos of R3 gameplay and he looks like a beast. Will probably select tech for my other crystal and go for Shuri, but thinking on it for a bit.

    Took Zemo from the Abyss crystal. Was going for a Aegon, but that's alright.

    For the relics I got a 6* Captain America and a 5* Winter Solider. The WS relic will go great with my Kate Bishop and frees up my Black Widow 5* for Black Cat who I'm planning on pulling later today from a loyalty 7* crystal 😁
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,207 ★★★★
    Falcon dupe and a new Korg. Could’ve been better, but the Falcon dupe at least put me over 20k shards, so 2 Titans waiting for me in Feb.
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    AvnishAvnish Posts: 391 ★★
    edited January 17
    Opening wasn't as expected only warewolf I like. Others i haven't used. I needed photon i woul R3 her and be the valient.

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