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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Raids rewards question

Does anyone have rewards from the non-paragon chests? I'm not paragon so I cannot claim those, so I just claimed the alliance quest raid crystal, and I wanna know what others got from that. If it's not anything too crazy, I probably wont buy the raid tickets that often. Can y'all post pics or leave a comment?



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    SuperSam568SuperSam568 Posts: 38
    I don’t think anyone is choosing those chests :(

    If you strong enough to do raids, you’ll be paragon.

    Probably only way we find out is if kabam tells us :)
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    edited January 18
    My alliance wasn't paragon and he got 5k 6 star shards back to back. I don't think 5k 6 star shards is worth it myself. You can get plenty of 6 star shards pretty easily these days.

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    sharkdeavoursharkdeavour Posts: 455 ★★
    Bznm said:

    Does anyone have rewards from the non-paragon chests? I'm not paragon so I cannot claim those, so I just claimed the alliance quest raid crystal, and I wanna know what others got from that. If it's not anything too crazy, I probably wont buy the raid tickets that often. Can y'all post pics or leave a comment?


    You’re not paragon and you can’t claim non- paragon chest? What’re you then? Im confused 😂
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,393 ★★★★
    I think OP is TB and wants to do raids but doesn't know if the rewards are worth it. My alliance is only TB and they got 5k 6 star shards twice from the Raid chest.
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    BznmBznm Posts: 32

    I think OP is TB and wants to do raids but doesn't know if the rewards are worth it. My alliance is only TB and they got 5k 6 star shards twice from the Raid chest.

    Oh ok, 5k 6 star shards from one chest isn't anything too crazy tbh. Just wish kabam would release the contents and drop rates of the prizes in the crystals.
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    BznmBznm Posts: 32

    Bznm said:

    Does anyone have rewards from the non-paragon chests? I'm not paragon so I cannot claim those, so I just claimed the alliance quest raid crystal, and I wanna know what others got from that. If it's not anything too crazy, I probably wont buy the raid tickets that often. Can y'all post pics or leave a comment?


    You’re not paragon and you can’t claim non- paragon chest? What’re you then? Im confused 😂
    Yeah my bad, worded that weird. Just wanted to know what was in the non-paragon chests since im only tb.
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,958 ★★★★★
    I got half a mystic t5cc on my alt.

    Can't remember what the first chest had in it 😢
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