Huge bug in RAID - can’t move to assigned path

Was unable to move to the correct role path in Alliance Raids. For some reason in Maestro section game doesn’t let me to go left path, only through the middle. Attached is answer from Kabam support. Waiting some solution asap. Don’t want that my ally need to kick me because of this bug. @Kabam Miike can you push this so it resolves asap please?

And NO I DIDN’T GO THE WRONG PATH FROM THE START! I did left path, game pushed me wrong path to the middle and luckily with back button I’m back where I started but still can’t go left (If i try game pushed my again to middle path and because I don’t want to choose wrong buff it let me back at the beginning).
Awful experience

And NO I DIDN’T GO THE WRONG PATH FROM THE START! I did left path, game pushed me wrong path to the middle and luckily with back button I’m back where I started but still can’t go left (If i try game pushed my again to middle path and because I don’t want to choose wrong buff it let me back at the beginning).
Awful experience

I don’t know what to do? I still can’t go on left path, only through middle. Matbe it will be fixed with next update, but this Raid will be over till then. If I use wrong buff can I do any dmg? I didn’t got any glory or rewards from red chests 😩
So they may not be doing that for people ?
(or if already past the first Mini, be able to switch the Role Boost that is applied for them ? You would have to tell them *which* Role Boost you want in your support ticket)
But for now, just take whatever path it forces you onto, I believe you can still do the in-fight Missions to ramp up Charges for your teammates.
(Even if you can’t use the correct Role Boost for yourself).
Horrible bug - but it's even worse that this has not been fixed for all the people who experienced it (for example by manually moving them onto the right path).
Or did you just say “game took me on wrong path, please fix bug” ? (Response would of course be, developers are working on fixing that for future)
Specific action may have only been possible PRIOR to your 1st miniboss being taken down (or at least, prior to you MOVING past 1st mini and claiming 1st Treasure).
At that time, they could have placed you at the point of selecting RoleBoost that matched your Role Champ.
But if you have already moved past 1st Treasure Chest, they would probably not be winning to move you backward like that because that would allow you to collect that Treasure Chest AGAIN (since it doesn’t go away once claimed).
That Specific request might have been good earlier in the week, before 1st Mini, and while you would still have time to progress thru 3 mini's and boss.
But otherwise (alternate request), don’t think Support even has the capability to just apply a different Role Boost on you directly from their Support systems, because it has been seen that they don’t have capability to adjust Aegon Combo Count (or other Persistent stuff) (Abyss, Necro, etc, crash during fight).
My ally mate had the same issue. He was the backup. Picked assault and could not move to the assault node at all. Ended up having to go vanguard. Restarts didn’t work by the way. Basically rendered him completely useless the whole raid.
He could not go left no matter what he tried.
This needs to be fixed
I needed to go assault and it keeps sending me to tactician. I used my UNDO and still stuck going to tactician.
I’m stuck for over 24 hours. I received a blanket response to my support ticket and replied asking for an actual fix. This is debilitating.