Request help
My account was suspended after a battlegrounds grind... I created it YEARS ago and have since lost access to the original email. Is there any other way to get someone to help me? I spent way too much money to even risk getting suspended yet it says I used third party software... I spent over $600 just to get yo valiant, that was last month... and yet I woke up to find I'm suspended today for a week. I just don't get it...
But I am hating the GC meta even more so...
But if time added up between using different phones makes it seem like an overly excessive amount of time, or seems to then have different fighting techniques, or if suddenly the “spare” phone swaps out a bunch of champs that are better for BG, etc.
Or different IP, WiFi vs Cell, Region, etc.
That could make it suspiciously like different people are playing.
Or if used to “play dead” to intentionally rack up excessive points without trying to actually get into Glad.Circuit.
Or if your “spare phone” is BlueStacks on a PC (also NOT allowed), or other emulator, or script engine to play all by itself.
Are you also sure that “spare phone” didn’t still have some leftover 3rd party or modified stuff on it from prior years (or from whomever owned it before you if it was passed down) ?