Lockout for leaving an alliance during an active AW or AQ

I have a suggestion. Many alliances lose war and AQ due to not being full or people leaving their alliance in the middle of an event. Some do this out of spite or various reasons, but the results are the same. A guaranteed loss. Hurting the players who may possibly have spent items or currency to win. All because of one person who wants to leave at an inopportune time. We have lockout periods which were set up to discourage alliance hopping, but actually encourage new members to leave sooner if disatisfied with a new alliance as they have nothing to lose. In place of or in addition to the lockout period, I propose that Kabam institute a lockout period that members cannot leave an alliance while a War or AQ is in progress, unless kicked by the Leader of the alliance. A person may request to be kicked but it will be at the discression of the leader if an AQ or War is active. This will eliminate deliberate sabotage of an alliance war by disgruntled members. Also new members should necessarily be allowed access to join AW placement even if a match has been found as long as attack phase has not started. This will allow alliance leaders flexibility to work through problems, encourage participation and loyalty to stay in your alliance. I don’t believe a delay in leaving an alliance would be a bad thing, so much as a delay in receiving rank rewards. I further believe adoption of this proposal will have a positive effect on alliances to maintain their war ratings. My previous alliance lost 10 strait wars due to a few members leaving in the middle of it. This penalized those who spent items and currency to win, as defender diversity and rating as well as exploration determines the outcome. As we all know, defense kills no longer impact the game if both sides explore 100% and both sides kill the bosses. Therefore one member leaving will assuredly cost the other 29 members a victory.
I found this thread while searching about something I wanted to ask.
I'm in a pretty low rate alliance, so there's always barely anyone around for AQ's and AW's. On average, only 3 members (including myself participate at all).
I have no intention to leave for the time being, but being new, I dont have that many Characters to spare - and I mistakenly placed my best characters as defenders and attackers for an AW with literally nobody attacking and myself attacking literally attacking empty tiles on the offensive front.
Unfortunately it's bad timing for current AW and AQ to have my best characters locked away for absolutely no reason, and I am somewhat under pressure as well because there's a timer on a solo event quest (Event Quest completion) where I desperately need them. I intend to ask permission to temporarily leave the alliance. That said I was wondering about the following:
1) do I automatically loose the Alliance Events points that I'm farming if I leave? Do I get them back if I do? Or do the numbers re-set?
2) Do I loose the Loyalty and glory points that I earned as a member of the alliance?
3) do I instantly get my characters out of the AW and AQ?
Many thanks to the kind souls who can give me answers.
If you leave an alliance with some points in alliance events, they get reset even if you join after one minute of leaving. Also you don't lose the glory or the loyalty gained while in the alliance. Lastly, no your champs don't get out of AW or AQ instantly. You will have to wait out the duration of the war or quest.
This might be a good idea but I highly doubt that kabam will do something which benefits the players base on such a large scale. War has become something of a money spinner for them even after the update.