QOL IMPROVEMENTS from a 9 year player

having been here since the beginning way back when bucky was just a reskin of frank down to every SP and attack frame by frame.. there just needs to be improvements made that should have been implemented nearly a decade ago now.
let us auto fight arenas, but keep cooldown as is. this way if you still want to grind, you still have to return to the game and auto fight all over again when the champs are available. reduce the points earned by 25%, so there is still an incentive to fight manually where you gain all points as opposed to 75% by choosing to auto fight.
2.) REQUEST HELP (all)
very simple. instead of tapping over 1000 times for each individual help request, one tap requests all at once.
keep the individual buttons if you only want to request help on certain champs, for whatever reason.
this needs to be implemented at no charge. locking it behind a pay wall is criminal, as it is an entirely separate game function and should be accessible at all times. if you do not want to use it, toggle it off in options to use the standard mode.
option to one tap and claim all rewards, but still allow to individually choose rewards if desired as well.
after hitting level60 and maxing at 70energy, XP is pointless. XP boosts become worthless & go unused. implementing a new bar with a goal of 100,000 XP for example that resets every time you hit that amount and refills your energy would add value to XP boosts again for end game players.
this makes the most sense to immediately address, as one of the 'paid perks' of sigil is an XP boost which is pointless if you are max level. sigil should be discounted 20% if you are max level as you are effectively paying for something you are not receiving.
let us auto fight arenas, but keep cooldown as is. this way if you still want to grind, you still have to return to the game and auto fight all over again when the champs are available. reduce the points earned by 25%, so there is still an incentive to fight manually where you gain all points as opposed to 75% by choosing to auto fight.
2.) REQUEST HELP (all)
very simple. instead of tapping over 1000 times for each individual help request, one tap requests all at once.
keep the individual buttons if you only want to request help on certain champs, for whatever reason.
this needs to be implemented at no charge. locking it behind a pay wall is criminal, as it is an entirely separate game function and should be accessible at all times. if you do not want to use it, toggle it off in options to use the standard mode.
option to one tap and claim all rewards, but still allow to individually choose rewards if desired as well.
after hitting level60 and maxing at 70energy, XP is pointless. XP boosts become worthless & go unused. implementing a new bar with a goal of 100,000 XP for example that resets every time you hit that amount and refills your energy would add value to XP boosts again for end game players.
this makes the most sense to immediately address, as one of the 'paid perks' of sigil is an XP boost which is pointless if you are max level. sigil should be discounted 20% if you are max level as you are effectively paying for something you are not receiving.
Lol omg. When is your next open mic night? I need to see your comedy show.
Level 53 in 9 years is very impressive btw.
But honestly, I don‘t know how OP plans to do auto fight in arena… Doesn‘t make sense in a game mode where opponents are about the same strength as you champ most of the time…
I made a post last year as well but no response from kabam:
Great if I'm going to sleep though, maybe you're on to something.
Thanks a lot.
There is auto-fighting in all game modes except AQ, AW, BG and Arena. I don't see the reason why there is a restriction in any way, since self-fighting is a function that only serves to "pass the screen" in easy games and not lose motivation, but it is of no use to you in duels with minimal difficulty (already It will be due to the opponent's level, the class disadvantage or the nodes).
Want autopilot arenas? Say goodbye to streak multipliers and ranked rewards.
Although I have no idea how it works, since I don’t buy the sigil…
And Kabam have specifically said that Auto-Fight will not be introduced for any mode where summoners compete against each other, which are exactly AQ, AW, BG and Arena…
(I don’t think the presence of rank rewards is the deciding factor, since e.g. for Hero Use you can auto-fight your way through RTTL and earn rank rewards for it…)
it is definitely more efficient, just not sure it is worth the price of sigil, and I don't think the sigil store is that good
I believe I just cuts down on the post fights summary. I was wrong in saying it auto fills
lets continue:
how many times have we had a huge streak, hundred+ hit combo, waiting and waiting and waiting for the SP2 that never comes, only to be auto KO by a bs SP3? a few newer champs have sliders for their SP3, but it should be on every single one.
No more incredible load for the server.
About the Loyalty for help? You’re in an alliance, you get the 1,000 every day when you connect for the first time.
Can’t be easier. Less code to maintain and probably less bug. Not the first time I suggest it.
Claim all rewards? Already discussed too.
Auto fight in arena? Absolutely no chance. But thanks for the smile it gave me by reading the idea.
XP bar? There are a lot of more useful topics to address in the game.
You're wrong about auto-fighting existing in all game modes except AQ, AW, BG, and arena. It also does not exist in Incursions. Which means it makes no sense to say it exists in all game modes except a few. It is the reverse: it only exists in solo non-repeatable content. If it is not solo content, it doesn't exist. If it is solo content and it is grindable for rewards, it doesn't exist. It doesn't exist in most game modes, not a minority of them.
The intent of auto-fight is to allow players to clear content that they otherwise would have literally no problem completing, because it is so far below their power level, such as extremely low story paths they never got around to completing, or very low difficulty tiers of monthly quest content. Auto-fight allows players to essentially complete those tasks with minimal effort. But the easy fights in arena are not something that auto-fight can simply get done once for the player. Because of the grindable nature of the arena, it is possible to simply do those fights over and over indefinitely. Losing a match simply puts you back to easy matches. And losing multiplier is a meaningless price to pay for that convenience. As I mention above, early bots paid that price and still racked up huge rewards from the arena for basically no effort.
The argument that autofight is impractical, and thus safe to implement, is self-annihilating. The only reason why people ask for it is specifically because it is practical, and they intend to put it to very practical use.
Suggestions designed to directly improve the earning rate of or availability of rewards are generally suggestions that Kabam does not respond to, whether they read them or not, because they tend to lead to arguments over the value of in-game rewards and what players deserve for their time. That's a subjective position that has no resolution.
The slider has nothing to do with when a champion came out, it has to do with the rarity of your champion. If you’re playing a 5* or higher, you have the slider mini-game. If you’re playing a 4* or lower, you don’t. That slider didn’t exist until 5*s entered the game, that’s the mechanic that separated them from 4*s the way adrenaline separated 6*s from 5*s and stat focus separates 7*s from 6*s.
The fact that you don’t know that is… interesting.
moving on..
this can be implemented on the hero's info page with a toggle if you prefer only having certain abilities on/off.
clicking 'activate' every single fight is tedious and unnecessary. hence, "QOL"
in the settings menu there should be an additional option for fast tracking the game modes, much like what sigil does for arena by skipping result screens and the win/loss 'champion pose' animation that absolutely nobody wants to watch for the 1,000th time.
more as they come to mind, but feel free to load this post up with more disagrees, clown boys.
each one makes me feel like it's definitely a desperately needed improvement!