Node 34 - Baron Zemo
Best suggestions for this fight in AW? Node 34 has the fatigue debuff (when your close to the defender they gain a fatigue debuff) and then its also got an unblockable cleanse node where once the defender cleanses a few debuffs they gain an unblockable passive that lasts for 8 seconds.
Zemo works well on this node because he will automatically cleanse the fatigue debuffs and get that unblockable passive and you get rooted because he runs out of cleanse charges. If you take a bleed immune champ then he will just get a passive fury and while unblockable he will hit even harder and obviously is hit on your block is strong too.
So what would be the best counter for this node? I've tried a few champs here. Valk does very poorly. Doom is hit or miss with RNG, I have gotten the one-shot but if I get rooted fast it doesn't work well. Kind of have to rely on the shocks taking away his cleanses, then you hopefully get some manual evades off when rooted and counter while you can, but it's not easy. I think I've tried Shuri.
What would be some suggestions for this? a R5 Ascended Zemo typically sits around 70-80k PI btw which is usually what is there at my tier.
Zemo works well on this node because he will automatically cleanse the fatigue debuffs and get that unblockable passive and you get rooted because he runs out of cleanse charges. If you take a bleed immune champ then he will just get a passive fury and while unblockable he will hit even harder and obviously is hit on your block is strong too.
So what would be the best counter for this node? I've tried a few champs here. Valk does very poorly. Doom is hit or miss with RNG, I have gotten the one-shot but if I get rooted fast it doesn't work well. Kind of have to rely on the shocks taking away his cleanses, then you hopefully get some manual evades off when rooted and counter while you can, but it's not easy. I think I've tried Shuri.
What would be some suggestions for this? a R5 Ascended Zemo typically sits around 70-80k PI btw which is usually what is there at my tier.