Kabam why are you so far behind your own game?

It feels like Kabam is always one or two steps behind the current economy/level of the game.
BG as a prime example, solo reward milestone has been the same 15k total 6* shards since release a YEAR ago.
We recently got Valiant title and the only benefit is daily crystals and some extra offers but absolutely zero content, for godsake they only just released TB when Paragon was well accessible.
EQ has the highest difficulty being TB and the only reason it gets done is to access Paragon Gauntlet because its mid tier difficulty and the rewards aren't worth it the the actual run. And before anyone says Paragauntlet is Paragon difficulty, no its not, its easy and I hope they're planning something better.
SQ threat level 5 also TB difficulty which is now 2 levels behind the highest attainable level I'm game, no real challenge.
And not to mention how out of date the stores are! When was BG store last updated?
Loyalty store is so over priced for rank up mats I don't think anybody buys them they literally just save for Loyalty 7* crystal.
Incursions, this really is the laziest, poorest buff of them all! Kabam literally just added a 7* 6 pool champ crystal and moved on, what about the price of ALL THE OTHER CRYSTALS, what about a basic 7* crystal?
Every month quests are getting easier, resources are getting over priced and Kabam just can't keep up and don't give us anything to expect any different.
So why? Why is it so difficult to keep up with a game YOU CONTROL... it's getting boring.
BG as a prime example, solo reward milestone has been the same 15k total 6* shards since release a YEAR ago.
We recently got Valiant title and the only benefit is daily crystals and some extra offers but absolutely zero content, for godsake they only just released TB when Paragon was well accessible.
EQ has the highest difficulty being TB and the only reason it gets done is to access Paragon Gauntlet because its mid tier difficulty and the rewards aren't worth it the the actual run. And before anyone says Paragauntlet is Paragon difficulty, no its not, its easy and I hope they're planning something better.
SQ threat level 5 also TB difficulty which is now 2 levels behind the highest attainable level I'm game, no real challenge.
And not to mention how out of date the stores are! When was BG store last updated?
Loyalty store is so over priced for rank up mats I don't think anybody buys them they literally just save for Loyalty 7* crystal.
Incursions, this really is the laziest, poorest buff of them all! Kabam literally just added a 7* 6 pool champ crystal and moved on, what about the price of ALL THE OTHER CRYSTALS, what about a basic 7* crystal?
Every month quests are getting easier, resources are getting over priced and Kabam just can't keep up and don't give us anything to expect any different.
So why? Why is it so difficult to keep up with a game YOU CONTROL... it's getting boring.
Go make a difference.
Do you think Valiant or Paragon progression levels were thought of like 3 days before they released? No, they weren't. This stuff is planned out for Kabam. The economy is the way it's because that's where the economy designers want it. They have rewards budgets they have to adhere to.
Are they perfect no, not always. There's always room for some improvement and I'm not suggesting that no changes are made but it's not as bad as you're making it out to be.
On the flip side, you've only complained about everything and given them nothing to take back to the teams. There's no solutions offered or anything. There's reason why the game teams listens to certain people and not the masses because all you sound like is a 5 year old having a temper tantrum.
You misread or simply confused User acquisition with User Retention. The former having little to do with OP’s complaints.
Or maybe I just read too much into it and you were being facetious.
I clicked on the wrong one.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax kindly update on this.
And to remain on topic, I don’t agree with all of the points brought up by OP, but there’s ground for discussion as to what can be expected for valiant in the new economy.
It was the same for Paragon
The only benefit is the daily crystal... which is free, doesn't cost anything and is an absolute huge improvement over the paragon one
You get loads of T6bc, T6cc, T3a in these crystals but complain about it being the only thing
We are still in Cav objective crystals
Have the incredibly useless solo objective crystals
Only have up to TB EQ
But Valiant has been available for people for about 2 months now, so Kabam needs to hurry it along
Relax, just enjoy what parts of the game are there for you to play still
This is something that is meant to bring you enjoyment after all
People still complain that BG match making is unfair, because lower progress players have to face higher progress ones, and to be fair they should be able to face only players of similar roster strength all the way up to GC.
People still complain that crystals are rigged, and Kabam should stop trying to force players to spend to avoid bad crystal pulls.
These people aren't just complaining for the sake of complaining they actually believe what they are saying. But just because people believe it, doesn't make it true, nor does it make their suggestions good for the game.
People don't make posts? Whatever you're saying isn't an issue because no one's talking about it.
My comment was meant as a joke but also as serious. Many in the community think they know better than Kabam but all they want implemented is what matters to their game progression and not the entire player base.
For instance, OPs first comment about solo rewards isn't taking into account that the wide spread progression level that are in those tiers.
I'm all for discussions and debates but let's not pretend OP is here for a discussion.
That's the mindset, anyways.
Also, the game economist gig is a shared resource for all kabam games, not a dedicated mcoc one. Pay is **** as well.
The stated salary range is $96k - $144k. If that is Canadian, that equates to $71k to $107k. USD. In the games industry, that's fair.
To take the 1st point that you actually argue, maybe the solo milestone could be progression based to be relevant for each players group. Taking nothing away from what’s today but adding to new titles. Just an example. It’s a fair question to ask as long as no one expect that their view on the subject is the only valid answer.
BGs isn't progression based. We're all vying for the same rewards regardless of our titles in game. They can't make progression based rewards and leave it as a free for all game mode.
People are already upset they have to fight against Paragon or Valiant when they're Cav or TB, can you imagine the outrage if you're beating those stronger accounts but because you're Cav or TB you get 15k 6*' shards and a Paragon finishing in the same bracket as you gets 7* shards for the same amount of work? Good luck with that.
Again, OP isn't asking any questions they want answered. This was a pure rant post as much as their posting is.