Hercules isn't getting nerfed



  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    I like how you just add things that no one said.
    Thank you
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    edited January 2024

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Without Hercules, people would have developed their skills elsewhere. Like they did with Quake, and the old God Tier Champs, and many others. We can't always rely on an easy street. It's not healthy for the game, and it's not healthy for us as Players.
    I played long before Hercules and was never able to develop quake skills. That’s a very very general statement and who said this game has to be about people developing different skills for different champions. It’s a game anybody can play it as they please. trying to dictate how people want to enjoy the game is silly. I know if I feel this way, I’m not isolated on some island there are tons of others that feel the same way. They can nerf him just like they have been with nodes and exclusions. pissing off your customer base by changing something you created years ago at this point is a very unintelligent way to go about it. But once again, not a very good argument people haven’t developed the skills for other champions, because of Hercules you can use that argument with so many champions that make other champions k pointless. there’s a few champs at the top of each class that Trump most of the class so that makes people not develop skills with those champions.

    This mainly upsets very skilled players because they’re crying that people that aren’t as skilled as them are completing content that they couldn’t without Hercules get over it it’s a game.

    And what is the ludicrous talk of healthy for the game or the players???????? it’s a game bro it’s a game. How long is Hercules been out?? You’re saying the game is unhealthy because of him???? The game is chucking along still making tons of money if the game is unhealthy though it is because of the endless bugs especially when content is released the input problems for years the AI issues that is the health of the game. The health of the players I have no idea what the heck you’re talking about. It’s a game. You might be a little too into this if you’re thinking of your health in the game as a player
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Mdowney80 said:

    The word “yet” definitely was in his original post. I’m barely hanging on in this game as is because of how hard it is to learn as a newish player. If they nerf him it sounds like a good reason to go ahead and stop.

    Absolutely 100% agree!! I have fun collecting champions and like this game and would’ve quit a while back without Hercules. This game is like studying for an algebra test or reading pages of pages of instruction manuals, which is fine for major content. A lot of times I just wanna put in a team and run through things and Hercules is great for that. They’re kidding themselves if they don’t think he keeps tons of people playing this game..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Without Hercules, people would have developed their skills elsewhere. Like they did with Quake, and the old God Tier Champs, and many others. We can't always rely on an easy street. It's not healthy for the game, and it's not healthy for us as Players.
    I played long before Hercules and was never able to develop quake skills. That’s a very very general statement and who said this game has to be about people developing different skills for different champions. It’s a game anybody can play it as they please. trying to dictate how people want to enjoy the game is silly. I know if I feel this way, I’m not isolated on some island there are tons of others that feel the same way. They can nerf him just like they have been with nodes and exclusions. pissing off your customer base by changing something you created years ago at this point is a very unintelligent way to go about it. But once again, not a very good argument people haven’t developed the skills for other champions, because of Hercules you can use that argument with so many champions that make other champions k pointless. there’s a few champs at the top of each class that Trump most of the class so that makes people not develop skills with those champions.

    This mainly upsets very skilled players because they’re crying that people that aren’t as skilled as them are completing content that they couldn’t without Hercules get over it it’s a game.

    And what is the ludicrous talk of healthy for the game or the players???????? it’s a game bro it’s a game. How long is Hercules been out?? You’re saying the game is unhealthy because of him???? The game is chucking along still making tons of money if the game is unhealthy though it is because of the endless bugs especially when content is released the input problems for years the AI issues that is the health of the game. The health of the players I have no idea what the heck you’re talking about. It’s a game. You might be a little too into this if you’re thinking of your health in the game as a player
    I've also been here a long time. In that time, people have argued for a number of game-breaking things, citing it's not that bad, and there are other issues in the game.
    It's not healthy for the game because it limits what content they can produce and the challenge level goals. I'm not sure why you're referring to them making money, but that's not what I was talking about. The more you limit content, the more you limit the game.
    It's not healthy for Players because they're not developing knowledge and skills by "Hercing" through content. Just because they're using him to earn Rewards easier than without doesn't mean it's healthy. There are many of us who have been around for some time and have a wider experience pool to draw on when it comes to Champs, but there are also Players who have picked up the game and God Tiered their way through content. That effects not only their development, but also their expectations.
    It's never been good to depend on overly-powerful Champs alone. There are some powerful ones, sure. When you get the occasional ones that are too powerful, then it becomes a conversation. We're lucky he's running the way he is because he just missed balancing. He's too powerful any way you look at it.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    edited January 2024
    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    You're literally just ignoring the points I make because it doesn't fit your narrative, so all I can say is have at it.

    Nobody’s ignoring any points I’m only responding to the points that mean anything. The healthy talk is an absolute joke. It’s a game people can play a game anyway they choose nobody has to develop anything. Nobody has to develop skills or knowledge for the game. Because you choose to or others do doesn’t mean everybody has to. if it’s supposed to be done that way once again, not sure how you would know but if it is then they should put that disclaimer on the game. This game is meant for you to play it this way and if you’re not playing it this way, you’re not developing knowledge and skill. People can choose to play a game anyway please. Some people in this game. This might come as a shock but some people just prefer to buy everything. Are you arguing that they should get rid of that? I know people with 5 million hero rating that haven’t done one bit of act 7 or 8 have not done one bit of necropolis have not done one bit of abyss. Is that healthy? I would say that limits their skill and knowledge but yet they Have 30+7 stars but you guys are focused on Hercules not being healthy.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Manup456 said:

    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔

    Boom!!! Mic drop!!!!!!

  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,501 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Skill issue, buy a helmet and get good.
    Definitely not a skill issue. More of it’s a game and people like to play games different ways, so are you implying that you have to have skill or you shouldn’t be able to to play this game? Last time I checked, it’s not the most fair game. so you gonna say that to people who spend tons of money and have far better rosters than other people “sounds like a Wallet issue get a better job” The game obviously isn’t meant to be 100% fair or isn’t obviously based on 100% skill. It’s a game it’s meant to be fun. People can play games how they choose.. saying get good. Just comes off like you’re whining. it’s not fair he’s not as good as me he shouldn’t be able to beat that content.
    Do you really need to use a crutch to do literally any game content other than hard content like Necropolis (Herc is useless there btw)? Even with these nodes that literally help you a ton when you bring the right champs? Lol you're gonna tell me with a straight face that Act 7 and 8 + EQ SQ and Paragon Gauntlet are all too hard without Herc?
    The problem here isn't skill, it's laziness. All the content in the game can be done without Herc and it doesn't require that much skill, it's not like "oh if Herc didn't exist so many people would be stuck as TBs for years because the skill ceiling for Acts 7 and 8 is soooo high"
    Also, assuming Herc is the only reason some people play the game is just ridiculous and I can guarantee 80% of the people who say they will quit, won't quit, it wouldn't be the first time we've heard that one lmao.

    Using the word whining while complaining about Herc potentially getting nerfed in the future is... Interesting, and laughable, but mostly interesting.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,501 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Manup456 said:

    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔

    Boom!!! Mic drop!!!!!!

    Not really a mic drop. Bad players had to spend money even with Ægon if they wanted to get Valiant which is fair. With Herc you don't need to spend a single dime, just need a few revives from the Apothecary and even the worst player in the world is ready to go. Hope that also answers your question as to why and how he hurts the economy just by existing (and before you give me that a lot of people are still spending thousands for him no they're not lol he's in the basic pool, most people already have him by the time those offers even come around)
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Skydad23 said:

    Manup456 said:

    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔

    Boom!!! Mic drop!!!!!!

    Not really a mic drop. Bad players had to spend money even with Ægon if they wanted to get Valiant which is fair. With Herc you don't need to spend a single dime, just need a few revives from the Apothecary and even the worst player in the world is ready to go. Hope that also answers your question as to why and how he hurts the economy just by existing (and before you give me that a lot of people are still spending thousands for him no they're not lol he's in the basic pool, most people already have him by the time those offers even come around)
    So how come people didn’t use Hercules in necropolis if all they need is a couple revives with him? He’s been limited in a lot of content recently, and will become more limited as seven stars progress. He’s been out for over two years. This isn’t something new. Even though he is still very heavily used He’s less relevant now than he was two years ago. So I’m sure it’s trending in the direction that Kabam likes so why make a stink of it now?

  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Skill issue, buy a helmet and get good.
    Definitely not a skill issue. More of it’s a game and people like to play games different ways, so are you implying that you have to have skill or you shouldn’t be able to to play this game? Last time I checked, it’s not the most fair game. so you gonna say that to people who spend tons of money and have far better rosters than othe people “sounds like a Wallet issue get a better job” The game obviously isn’t meant to be 100% fair or isn’t obviously based on 100% skill. It’s a game it’s meant to be fun. People can play games how they choose.. saying get good. Just comes off like you’re whining. it’s not fair he’s not as good as me he shouldn’t be able to beat that content.
    Do you really need to use a crutch to do literally any game content other than hard content like Necropolis (Herc is useless there btw)? Even with these nodes that literally help you a ton when you bring the right champs? Lol you're gonna tell me with a straight face that Act 7 and 8 + EQ SQ and Paragon Gauntlet are all too hard without Herc?
    The problem here isn't skill, it's laziness. All the content in the game can be done without Herc and it doesn't require that much skill, it's not like "oh if Herc didn't exist so many people would be stuck as TBs for years because the skill ceiling for Acts 7 and 8 is soooo high"
    Also, assuming Herc is the only reason some people play the game is just ridiculous and I can guarantee 80% of the people who say they will quit, won't quit, it wouldn't be the first time we've heard that one lmao.

    Using the word whining while complaining about Herc potentially getting nerfed in the future is... Interesting, and laughable, but mostly interesting.
    And where did you get that? I said act seven or eight was too hard. I never said that I said I know people that have not done act seven or eight and still have 30+7 stars because they buy everything in the game. Do you think that that is healthy for the game? Lol I could care less because it’s a game it’s not fair some people have more time than other have deeper wallets than others some people have more skill than others. Some people have been playing longer than others. it’s a game people should play it the way that pleases them. Your point that all those things can be done without Hercules it’s just more proof that he doesn’t need to be nerfed. Saying that people that use him are lazy so what let them be lazy what do you care? Why are you whining about it? Why would you care that someone else plays a game lazy. Should I care if someone spends eight hours a day on this game because that’s not healthy for them in real life no because it’s their life. Just as you should not care if someone plays the game lazy because it’s their life
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,501 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Manup456 said:

    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔

    Boom!!! Mic drop!!!!!!

    Not really a mic drop. Bad players had to spend money even with Ægon if they wanted to get Valiant which is fair. With Herc you don't need to spend a single dime, just need a few revives from the Apothecary and even the worst player in the world is ready to go. Hope that also answers your question as to why and how he hurts the economy just by existing (and before you give me that a lot of people are still spending thousands for him no they're not lol he's in the basic pool, most people already have him by the time those offers even come around)
    So how come people didn’t use Hercules in necropolis if all they need is a couple revives with him? He’s been limited in a lot of content recently, and will become more limited as seven stars progress. He’s been out for over two years. This isn’t something new. Even though he is still very heavily used He’s less relevant now than he was two years ago. So I’m sure it’s trending in the direction that Kabam likes so why make a stink of it now?

    Cause they purposely shut down Hercules with the nodes, which further adds to the whole point of Herc is unhealthy for the game. He's the only champ in the game that receives this treatment.
    He's not less relevant, especially not with ascensions you're very wrong about that.
    As to why Kabam wants to nerf him I don't actually know but I can tell you why I want him nerfed. I don't want the first Summoner's Choice champ to die with the 6* status moving forward the same way Quake and Magik died with 5* status. I want all of them to be 7* someday and the only way for that to happen is with a nerf, it doesn't even have to be a hard nerf like Miike explained just take them from absolutely broken to top 5 is it really that big of a deal?
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    Let’s talk about Abyss when it was released and dungeons and who people used to make that easy 🤔
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,501 ★★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.

    Are you implying 11M deaths came from farmed revives? Lmao
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Manup456 said:

    All I gotta say is Aegon got a lot of people Valiant titles they wouldn’t have gotten without him 🤔

    Boom!!! Mic drop!!!!!!

    Not really a mic drop. Bad players had to spend money even with Ægon if they wanted to get Valiant which is fair. With Herc you don't need to spend a single dime, just need a few revives from the Apothecary and even the worst player in the world is ready to go. Hope that also answers your question as to why and how he hurts the economy just by existing (and before you give me that a lot of people are still spending thousands for him no they're not lol he's in the basic pool, most people already have him by the time those offers even come around)
    So how come people didn’t use Hercules in necropolis if all they need is a couple revives with him? He’s been limited in a lot of content recently, and will become more limited as seven stars progress. He’s been out for over two years. This isn’t something new. Even though he is still very heavily used He’s less relevant now than he was two years ago. So I’m sure it’s trending in the direction that Kabam likes so why make a stink of it now?

    Cause they purposely shut down Hercules with the nodes, which further adds to the whole point of Herc is unhealthy for the game. He's the only champ in the game that receives this treatment.
    He's not less relevant, especially not with ascensions you're very wrong about that.
    As to why Kabam wants to nerf him I don't actually know but I can tell you why I want him nerfed. I don't want the first Summoner's Choice champ to die with the 6* status moving forward the same way Quake and Magik died with 5* status. I want all of them to be 7* someday and the only way for that to happen is with a nerf, it doesn't even have to be a hard nerf like Miike explained just take them from absolutely broken to top 5 is it really that big of a deal?

    Exactly which they can keep doing was Aegon unhealthy for necropolis???? How long have you been around do you quake. Was she unhealthy for the game? She was far more dominant in her time then Hercules was did they Nerf her? Why is it an issue now??? he was used far far more regularly over a year ago than he is now. There’s always going to be champions that they have to limit in certain content or areas and they can always do it with nodes or exclusions like they always have.

  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    edited January 2024
    @ItsClobberinTime you want talk about the thread where people were posting how many deaths they put up by beating Titania and dying in the next fight over and over with farmed revives 🤔 maybe we can discuss the countless videos on how to farm revives to prep for Necro runs, how about the countless content creators spending hours farming revives as well 😂
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,501 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Skill issue, buy a helmet and get good.
    Definitely not a skill issue. More of it’s a game and people like to play games different ways, so are you implying that you have to have skill or you shouldn’t be able to to play this game? Last time I checked, it’s not the most fair game. so you gonna say that to people who spend tons of money and have far better rosters than othe people “sounds like a Wallet issue get a better job” The game obviously isn’t meant to be 100% fair or isn’t obviously based on 100% skill. It’s a game it’s meant to be fun. People can play games how they choose.. saying get good. Just comes off like you’re whining. it’s not fair he’s not as good as me he shouldn’t be able to beat that content.
    Do you really need to use a crutch to do literally any game content other than hard content like Necropolis (Herc is useless there btw)? Even with these nodes that literally help you a ton when you bring the right champs? Lol you're gonna tell me with a straight face that Act 7 and 8 + EQ SQ and Paragon Gauntlet are all too hard without Herc?
    The problem here isn't skill, it's laziness. All the content in the game can be done without Herc and it doesn't require that much skill, it's not like "oh if Herc didn't exist so many people would be stuck as TBs for years because the skill ceiling for Acts 7 and 8 is soooo high"
    Also, assuming Herc is the only reason some people play the game is just ridiculous and I can guarantee 80% of the people who say they will quit, won't quit, it wouldn't be the first time we've heard that one lmao.

    Using the word whining while complaining about Herc potentially getting nerfed in the future is... Interesting, and laughable, but mostly interesting.
    And where did you get that? I said act seven or eight was too hard. I never said that I said I know people that have not done act seven or eight and still have 30+7 stars because they buy everything in the game. Do you think that that is healthy for the game? Lol I could care less because it’s a game it’s not fair some people have more time than other have deeper wallets than others some people have more skill than others. Some people have been playing longer than others. it’s a game people should play it the way that pleases them. Your point that all those things can be done without Hercules it’s just more proof that he doesn’t need to be nerfed. Saying that people that use him are lazy so what let them be lazy what do you care? Why are you whining about it? Why would you care that someone else plays a game lazy. Should I care if someone spends eight hours a day on this game because that’s not healthy for them in real life no because it’s their life. Just as you should not care if someone plays the game lazy because it’s their life
    It's healthy for the economy yes, people spending is what keeps the game alive. You thought Kabam employees were working for free? All the updates new champs game modes etc for free?

    Do you understand what game breaking means? You typed a whole paragraph saying basically nothing cause none of that changes the fact that he breaks the game when you are able to use him.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Manup456 said:

    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.

    Are you implying 11M deaths came from farmed revives? Lmao
    How many deaths would it have been without ageon? You’re acting like people don’t die using Hercules. Lol.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.

    It was literally designed for Champs like Aegon.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom Yeah sure 😂
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    edited January 2024

    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Do you know how many people that would’ve probably quit the game without Hercules being in it? He has helped tons of summoners get through content they probably wouldn’t have which keeps them engaged in the game. The argument that he cost money is ridiculous to me because there’s millions of people that still spend money on the game that have him. there’s probably tons of people who would’ve quit the game if it was not for him. But the argument he cost the company money is ridiculous to me. Are they going bankrupt? every time they give out resources for free with endgame content technically they’re costing themselves money are they not? Every very skilled summoner that can complete content without having to spend money or units is costing the company money are they not? Such a bad argument that he cost the company money

    Skill issue, buy a helmet and get good.
    Definitely not a skill issue. More of it’s a game and people like to play games different ways, so are you implying that you have to have skill or you shouldn’t be able to to play this game? Last time I checked, it’s not the most fair game. so you gonna say that to people who spend tons of money and have far better rosters than othe people “sounds like a Wallet issue get a better job” The game obviously isn’t meant to be 100% fair or isn’t obviously based on 100% skill. It’s a game it’s meant to be fun. People can play games how they choose.. saying get good. Just comes off like you’re whining. it’s not fair he’s not as good as me he shouldn’t be able to beat that content.
    Do you really need to use a crutch to do literally any game content other than hard content like Necropolis (Herc is useless there btw)? Even with these nodes that literally help you a ton when you bring the right champs? Lol you're gonna tell me with a straight face that Act 7 and 8 + EQ SQ and Paragon Gauntlet are all too hard without Herc?
    The problem here isn't skill, it's laziness. All the content in the game can be done without Herc and it doesn't require that much skill, it's not like "oh if Herc didn't exist so many people would be stuck as TBs for years because the skill ceiling for Acts 7 and 8 is soooo high"
    Also, assuming Herc is the only reason some people play the game is just ridiculous and I can guarantee 80% of the people who say they will quit, won't quit, it wouldn't be the first time we've heard that one lmao.

    Using the word whining while complaining about Herc potentially getting nerfed in the future is... Interesting, and laughable, but mostly interesting.
    And where did you get that? I said act seven or eight was too hard. I never said that I said I know people that have not done act seven or eight and still have 30+7 stars because they buy everything in the game. Do you think that that is healthy for the game? Lol I could care less because it’s a game it’s not fair some people have more time than other have deeper wallets than others some people have more skill than others. Some people have been playing longer than others. it’s a game people should play it the way that pleases them. Your point that all those things can be done without Hercules it’s just more proof that he doesn’t need to be nerfed. Saying that people that use him are lazy so what let them be lazy what do you care? Why are you whining about it? Why would you care that someone else plays a game lazy. Should I care if someone spends eight hours a day on this game because that’s not healthy for them in real life no because it’s their life. Just as you should not care if someone plays the game lazy because it’s their life
    It's healthy for the economy yes, people spending is what keeps the game alive. You thought Kabam employees were working for free? All the updates new champs game modes etc for free?

    Do you understand what game breaking means? You typed a whole paragraph saying basically nothing cause none of that changes the fact that he breaks the game when you are able to use him.
    Nobody thinks anybody’s working for free and yes, people have to spend money in this game. My point was why is that not considered lazy to you? I’ve definitely spent my fair share of money in this game. Because it’s my choice. So in one boat you’re saying it’s not healthy for the game because Hercules can just do everything without dying. But in another breath, you don’t care if people don’t even have to do content to advance the rosters extensively just because they can spend money. My whole point is why do you care! it’s not meant to be fair. When people can spend the way they spend in this game which is needed for the game. It inherently takes out the fairness. so complaining about Hercules becomes a moot point

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @GroundedWisdom Yeah sure 😂

    They have the data from 3 other Everest Quests (yes RoL was Everest back in the day). They know people are going to use Aegon.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.

    The free farmed revives trivialized Necropolis, not Aegon.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Manup456 said:

    @Skydad23 It’s crazy because Aegon literally took what’s supposed to be the hardest content in the game with the best rewards and made it cake using farmed revives because even content creators were doing it, he doesn’t require skill and you actually cheat the game pausing and quitting to lock in combos but no one talks about this.

    The free farmed revives trivialized Necropolis, not Aegon.
    What do you mean free??? Did people not have to go in and spend their time earning those? I don’t call that free. They are playing the game. Isn’t that what Kabam wants. Is that not one of their main objectives to get people to play? Or are you implying people should’ve had to spend money? Because you just said earlier, it wasn’t about money..

  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    Manup456 said:

    @GroundedWisdom Yeah sure 😂

    They have the data from 3 other Everest Quests (yes RoL was Everest back in the day). They know people are going to use Aegon.
    How do you know they have all the data or are you just assuming this or do you have first-hand knowledge of this????

  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    The point is Aegon took the hardest content in the game and made it cake because at max combo he’s also broken but no one is screaming that he should be nerfed and the process of building those combos in no way could have been designed like that and he’s been doing this since Abyss. When people were pausing the game in AQ with Corvus and doing a similar thing it was removed. I’m not saying he should be nerfed either but let’s be fair here.
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