So what is the elders mark cap these days?

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,462 ★★★★
I know it used to be 8000, but apparently it has been raised as I’m at 8400.


  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,462 ★★★★
  • Grub88Grub88 Member Posts: 362 ★★★
    They should have increased it again after they made the change to starting season rank and dumping a big amount into your stash
  • Wong_98Wong_98 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    mgj0630 said:

    I just hit the 9,000 cap myself. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, but I do wish they would show caps for any/all applicable items, similar to what they do for things like catalysts, sig stones, AGs, etc.

    Guess it's time to start burning some of them up instead of all the energy refills.

    It's something the game team has discussed, based on feedback from these forums, actually! My understanding was it's something they liked and want to implement. Not sure if it's a lock, and therefore no timeline expectations at this time, but it's definitely on their radar!
    That’s awesome to hear!
  • TrillibossTrilliboss Member Posts: 277 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    mgj0630 said:

    I just hit the 9,000 cap myself. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it, but I do wish they would show caps for any/all applicable items, similar to what they do for things like catalysts, sig stones, AGs, etc.

    Guess it's time to start burning some of them up instead of all the energy refills.

    It's something the game team has discussed, based on feedback from these forums, actually! My understanding was it's something they liked and want to implement. Not sure if it's a lock, and therefore no timeline expectations at this time, but it's definitely on their radar!
    I love you jax
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,104 ★★★
    I Like the dev's !
    Awesome they take care.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    In the meantime, is there a way a post can be stickied that has all the current caps that aren’t already visible in game?
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    Waiting for someone to hit the gold limit
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