The difficulty of act 6.2 is what is pushing me to do content on the game and get the required champs, not necessarily the best ones. e.g. I am trying to get the fury synergy for 6.2.2 Sinister. So I am liking it
This really grinds my gears. The OP made a new account and posted this. 20 bloody "disagrees," and there's only 11 replies, some are the same people. Can y'all who disagreeing explain "why" instead of pressing disagree and backing out? Anyways, OP, what @GroundedWisdom said, that's basically the best advice one can give without knowing what content you're stuck on. What helped me get through the story mode of the game was watching some of DorkLessons's parry and dex guides, some of Seatin's F2P streams, and once you get far enough, there's a guy on YT, "MCOC Noob" (that's his name), he does these quest guides that are in such good detail and they REALLY helped me out throughout Act 6 and Act 7.
This really grinds my gears. The OP made a new account and posted this. 20 bloody "disagrees," and there's only 11 replies, some are the same people. Can y'all who disagreeing explain "why" instead of pressing disagree and backing out? Anyways, OP, what @GroundedWisdom said, that's basically the best advice one can give without knowing what content you're stuck on. What helped me get through the story mode of the game was watching some of DorkLessons's parry and dex guides, some of Seatin's F2P streams, and once you get far enough, there's a guy on YT, "MCOC Noob" (that's his name), he does these quest guides that are in such good detail and they REALLY helped me out throughout Act 6 and Act 7.
Since this is another second post you've commented on complaining about disagrees, I'll step in. 1. If disagrees bother you so much, then the forum may not be the best place to hang out often. People can disagree and they don't need to explain why. 2. Stop worrying about disagrees, they will happen to everyone. 3. I disagreed with this post because I don't think story has gotten harder and there was no context into where they are at and what boss or nodes they are struggling with. Vague complaints do not do well here.
Act 5 to 6 jump is insane, and even with three nerfs act 6 is ridiculously hard. Act 7 is easier, and act 8 even more so. Plus 7 and 8 are actually fun because aside from defender boosts they also have nodes that reward you for playing well.
Act 6 is different than other Acts because it requires specific counters. Like a poison and fury champion for Mr Sinister, and a bleeder for Medusa. If you don’t have options, then those fights will be super long
Act 7 and 8 actually have beneficial nodes and less nodes that will try to hurt you
Act 5 to 6 jump is insane, and even with three nerfs act 6 is ridiculously hard. Act 7 is easier, and act 8 even more so. Plus 7 and 8 are actually fun because aside from defender boosts they also have nodes that reward you for playing well.
Insert quote that i am far too lazy to find about act 6 being the pinnacle of story content for book 1 here which is why it is as difficult as it is
Act 5 to 6 jump is insane, and even with three nerfs act 6 is ridiculously hard. Act 7 is easier, and act 8 even more so. Plus 7 and 8 are actually fun because aside from defender boosts they also have nodes that reward you for playing well.
Insert quote that i am far too lazy to find about act 6 being the pinnacle of story content for book 1 here which is why it is as difficult as it is
You are right, but act 5 should have been a build up to act 6. Personally I found it fine but I know other people who don't. Imo kabam had the options to nerf act 4 and 5 or buff the rewards. They didn't have to and shouldn't have done both. Not complaining though, I will get the buffed rewards when they are sent out
Just joking, if someone says "story quests now", it is likely to be Act 7. Where are you really?
The OP made a new account and posted this.
20 bloody "disagrees," and there's only 11 replies, some are the same people.
Can y'all who disagreeing explain "why" instead of pressing disagree and backing out?
Anyways, OP, what @GroundedWisdom said, that's basically the best advice one can give without knowing what content you're stuck on.
What helped me get through the story mode of the game was watching some of DorkLessons's parry and dex guides, some of Seatin's F2P streams, and once you get far enough, there's a guy on YT, "MCOC Noob" (that's his name), he does these quest guides that are in such good detail and they REALLY helped me out throughout Act 6 and Act 7.
uh i'm stuck in act 4
Act 7 and 8 actually have beneficial nodes and less nodes that will try to hurt you
please die, mr. Zombie thread.