C’mon Kabam, let us have nice things! (Luke Cage’s ALMOST perfect buff)

Loved 99% of what I saw in the Luke Cage buff. Then noticed 1 thing…

Top: current Bottom: buff
Adding 10 seconds to the cooldown at max sig? No bueno 😢 (The paused during stun is fine). If the cooldown would stay as is, it would be the perfect player friendly buff.

Top: current Bottom: buff
Adding 10 seconds to the cooldown at max sig? No bueno 😢 (The paused during stun is fine). If the cooldown would stay as is, it would be the perfect player friendly buff.
Regarding the cooldown, you have a valid point. But wouldn't a nice compromise be:
Cooldown lasts 44.97-25 seconds. When defending, cooldown lasts an additional +10s.