I know he was busted last bg season but how is he overall?
I got him from my last titan right after beating Necro, and he was my most wanted. I immediately r3d him to become valiant and have never regretted it. IMO, he's one of the most versatile champs in the entire game (you can play him like valkyrie if needed), and he has been in my war team for nearly every war since getting him. WW is one of my favorite champs in the game, I hope you'll like him too!
Pulled bullseye today btw, so that's gonna be gross in BGs. Can't wait for him to be permabanned as much as WW was last season
In last 24 hours got enough loyalty, incursion artifacts and regular 7* shards to go along with the Titan crystal I saved for today. Wasn’t overly excited till the end when fortunately it rolled over Thing.
His damage isn't bad tbh: Problem? It takes a whole minute to get there assuming you're going for 40 fury passives plus the big sp3 one to close out the fight immediately after sp3. He's waaay too slow for BGs and also useless defensively without high sig. They could easily fix that offensive problem if they made the Torch Passive Aggressive synergy base kit but they won't do that so yeah you have a decent questing/AW champ but that's it.
Not only did I open 1X Titan, I also opened 5X 7-Star crystals and 93 Daily Valiant crystals and you should see just how much T6Basic and Tier 3 Alpha I pulled!!!!
I have one Titan formed (it only took 70 years). I’m genuinely nervous about opening it after reading this thread. When I pluck up the courage I’ll report back 🥲
Seriously debating taking a break from the game. Not sure if its worth pushing forward at this point
Jabari is honestly a very good champ, she’s hugely underrated. Mine is r2, she claps in war and is a surprisingly useful two way champ in a lot of battlegrounds metas. The dupe… yeah I can’t cheer you up about that one, her sig really isn’t all that special. Extra Hunt duration is nice, but it’s not enough to really shine.
That’s not the problem though man. The problem is titan crystals are super rare and take months to form for most players. I guarantee you nobody is looking at the pool and saying “man I really want a Jabari panther!” We open titans for really good/great champs not pretty good ones atleast to me
Screw THIS bruh. My first titan. Had a mutant 2-3 from necropolis completion as well. In between two Havoks. Please can anyone convince me this is better than anybody at all in the crystal
I’m really sorry she’s a decent champ, but easily the worst out of the Titan imo
Definitely not the worst, she has her uses, and is especially good in certain war scenarios.
And he isn’t Jabari panther/Thing.
Pulled bullseye today btw, so that's gonna be gross in BGs. Can't wait for him to be permabanned as much as WW was last season
Problem? It takes a whole minute to get there assuming you're going for 40 fury passives plus the big sp3 one to close out the fight immediately after sp3. He's waaay too slow for BGs and also useless defensively without high sig.
They could easily fix that offensive problem if they made the Torch Passive Aggressive synergy base kit but they won't do that so yeah you have a decent questing/AW champ but that's it.
I'm happy to duped my Morbius and new degen King 👑
Not only did I open 1X Titan, I also opened 5X 7-Star crystals and 93 Daily Valiant crystals and you should see just how much T6Basic and Tier 3 Alpha I pulled!!!!
So I made a video about it....
Was very happy. Was the 2nd best champ I was hoping for so really stoked.
Goes with the great luck I had with the second best champ from incursion crystal I pulled earlier with Mojo.
Don't know what to feel. Not the biggest fan of him.
My Havok is R3