Abs solo with the MOST underrated champ ever

This guy was made for the fight. Too bad he is not an objective champ. Yes this is an r3 7* but still he’s an amazing option for initial clear. Only took me 3 attempts to get the solo. What’s awesome is I ate 2 SP1s!!! And still survived due to taunt. P.S despair mastery is pretty much required to make this happen!
Hes pretty good also but yeah i dont care for any of the objectives just get it done and over with
first you didn't answer my question
second like I said it's all about my time with this game. I'm not gonna spend my time on an imaginary 100 bucks
Watch this, think about your 100 bucks and be quiet. Don't make me do the same and upload a video to youtube...
7r1 works just as well. Idk what op was doing honestly. 7r3 should be doing it much quicker. But he's safe and simple to use, hopefully there's some sort of spiderverse tag for the last quest
Go on then, tough guy.
Show us your video of you doing this. We'll have a whip-round for the hundred bucks later, honest...