Problems Grandmaster shoot Sp1 it is Bug.

I did fast dexterity/parry when grandmaster shoot special 1,
That's weird kabam update the game problem...
That's weird kabam update the game problem...
I'm fighting grandmaster more then 10times and grandmaster shoot sp1 i perfect parry/Dexterity and seem he got me,
I said what what? Nah this be something wrong in grandmaster Game.
Parry/Dexterity must pass but unfortunate
this is bug I know it,
Kabam please fix it then.
As for dexing, it’s either you were too slow (his ai is fast and the beam can catch you) or your champion didn’t Dex because of input issues
So do you think I changed mastery dexterity 3 of 3 will works ?
I do hundreds times no luck...
Yes it there bug mate I fight Groot, he's is full black body colour. Not original green body colour.
So do you think I changed mastery dexterity 3 of 3 will works ?
I do hundreds times no luck...