CCP Carina's Challenge: Whose Challenge is the most reasonable?

Let's vote for the difficulty on challenges. Which one is the most generous and fun?
CCP Carina's Challenge: Whose Challenge is the most reasonable? 245 votes
Proud of lags though. He made a good challenge and I can get the deathless piece at the very least 😭
But only if you vote.
But it's just not doable for me I haven't even done initial completion of GG which is really sad because that title is sick
I have failed you @Karatemike415
Anyway this rankup would be nothing compared to the item cost of a EOP run to Dragon-Man with him ahah
If I'm going to go through all the work to get up to Fury and Thanos (TWICE!), I at least want the damn chests again.
Do anyone know which path and which Kang is easier for Starky?
Thanks guys!
Zemo gate (bulls**t difficulty)
Mojo (bulls**t difficulty)
Classic gate (almost bulls**t difficulty)
Tigra and jabari (somehow doable? Tigra is a beast... in every sense)
Starky 7.3.6 and 7.4.6 (pretty fair and funny)
although, if you have 7* mojo and jabari... well, they've found their roles
I still think all of these challenges are less grumpy than WoW robot objective
I think Lagacy targets the average Paragon player. I think the reason most people find his challenges the "most reasonable" is because most people are in his targeted player base.
I think KarateMike targets late-stage-Paragon and Valiant players. Having watched at least parts of his streams of both objectives, I find nothing unreasonable about them. They'll be hard for sure, but it's clear from how he's approaching the various fights that he's thought them through. I haven't seen him do all fights with both sets of champions, but I've caught some fights with both the Avengers team and his team of Zemos, and both seem to work. Zemo certainly seems like the harder challenge but it should still be fairly doable from what I saw. I'm actually quite intrigued by both of them. I still have two Gauntlet keys left so these two challenges actually suit me pretty well.
And then there's Fintech, whose challenges are for...well, people like Fintech. Yeah, they're going to be a pain. I also anticipate that they'll be the two challenges that simply are left uncompleted for most people for the longest time. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think that they'll eventually be doable for a lot of people who currently view them as impossible, just as how I couldn't get through even the initial Doom fight in the Gauntlet when it first arrived but have now completed the entire Gauntlet several times. Sometimes you just have to accept that certain challenges aren't for you yet. I dislike when those challenges are timed, but these are not. They are permanent content, and as such, I think it's totally fair game to design challenges such as Fintech's.
I'm personally kind of excited to try them a later date.
A much later date.
Lagacy's challenge: 0
FinTech's challenge: 5
KarateMike's challenge: 21
Even the best needed revives for the challenges, this proves how challenging it can be for normal homosapien species.