MCU or Non-MCU Versions of Champions
Member Posts: 2,280 ★★★★★
What are some Champions in the game who are only available as an MCU version of the character, that you'd like to see a more comic book accurate version?
Conversely, how about Champs where we only have their more comic book version and we'd like an MCU version?
For the former we got Gladiator Hulk from Ragnarok, which is a fun champ, but I'd love it if we actually got a World War Hulk from the comic book run that Ragnarok borrowed from - he could be truly awesome.
For the latter - we've had Kamala Khan in the game for a long time as her "embiggen" self from the comics, but Iman Vellani's portrayal of Ms Marvel in the MCU is so fun, and her "Hard Light" powers so interesting that I'd love to see that version of the character in the game.
Conversely, how about Champs where we only have their more comic book version and we'd like an MCU version?
For the former we got Gladiator Hulk from Ragnarok, which is a fun champ, but I'd love it if we actually got a World War Hulk from the comic book run that Ragnarok borrowed from - he could be truly awesome.
For the latter - we've had Kamala Khan in the game for a long time as her "embiggen" self from the comics, but Iman Vellani's portrayal of Ms Marvel in the MCU is so fun, and her "Hard Light" powers so interesting that I'd love to see that version of the character in the game.
I dig the MCU design of Thor, especially infinity war with the stormbreaker because it looks like a nice mixture of the 616 and ultimate designs.
Also, I think it would be cool to see Jamie Foxx's Electro. I personally liked his appearance from No Way Home, though I'm not sure Marvel could allow that.
Also, huge kudos to the design team for inspired Red Skull. He never wore the cosmic cube armour in The First Avenger (and I don't think it is seen in the comics, either), but his suit seems very inspired by the clunky Hydra Tech in that film, and I love it, including the rear vents.
The MCOC champions cannot replicate Marvel characters, because they have to be reduced to what works for the game. They can only evoke champions, not simulate them. When most people think Daredevil, they think blind guy with super senses that is a really good fighter. MCOC can evoke that idea with a character concept. When most people think of Iron Man, they think of a guy in a suit of armor that flies around and shoots at things with repulsor beams. MCOC can evoke that in the game.
But when most people think "just destroys everything he runs into" as the defining trait of the character, MCOC cannot evoke that. Champion designers aren't going to (deliberately) make a champ that evokes the raw power of World Breaker Hulk. That's ultimately what went wrong with the Sentry in my opinion. All people think about, and all people talked about when the Sentry came out was "a million exploding suns" (which is a set of words that has no actual physical meaning, it just sounds cool). If all people think about when they think about a character is "exploding suns" that's essentially impossible to design as an MCOC character. They set themselves the almost impossible task of somehow evoking the Sentry with mechanics that honestly only worked in the designer's head, mostly.
When I look at Elektra in-game, I see Elektra. Same with Captain America, Beast, Ghost, Torch, Iceman, and most of the champs. They aren't perfect, and in some cases they just touch the character concept lightly, but the connection is there. Some have extremely distinctive appearances and behaviors (like MODOK) and some just work in a way that calls back to the character (like Nightcrawler). Some, I have to stare really hard to see the original Marvel character, or match the character in only a very generic way. Punisher, for example, is just a guy that shoots guns. He looks the part and acts the part, but only in a very simplistic way. Symbiote Spiderman is another example where if he didn't have a super distinctive look, there's not much to connect him to Spiderman, but at least he has the look.
Then there are characters that there's just no way to put them in the game properly, so the devs had to just make stuff up (think Annihilus: he has a cosmic control rod, and what does that do? Uh, stuff), or reach for some odd choices. Odin is an example. What distinctive trait about Odin did the devs decide to focus on? It wasn't his Odinforce, although Odin has features referred to as Odinforce. Rather it was Odinsleep. At release the character heavily leaned into the Odin comic book trait of going to sleep to recharge. Which is a rather tricky thing to make interesting in a fighting game.
Worldbreaker Hulk is tricky, because the devs can't focus on and implement his world breaker strength. If they were crazy enough to even attempt to add him, they'd probably focus on making him vulnerable to energy blasts, which was the deus ex stark method they used to defeat him in World War Hulk. Which would probably go over as well here as in the original comic book run. They can make a character that looks like Worldbreaker Hulk, and for some players that would be enough, but it will be very difficult to make one that most people won't be disappointed with.
Adam warlock too
Oh, Gorr ofc!
Ant man, Yellowjacket
I'd say Ultron too, simply cuz he gets all the love and Classic Ultron remains trash