Raid- suddenly we all do no damage. [BUG FIXED]



  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    Is it fixed yet? My pod mates and I haven't gone in due to the bugs; but we would be more pissed if they take it down and we miss our chance on some crate rewards.
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★

    Is it fixed yet? My pod mates and I haven't gone in due to the bugs; but we would be more pissed if they take it down and we miss our chance on some crate rewards.

    Not fixed yet. But not everyone is getting the bug so i'd say maybe take your chances🤣
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you for reporting this bug. It was the result of an attempt to fix a different bug, but both should be fixed now. You should be able to play Raids as normal now.

    We are aware that this caused issues for those who were playing during the troubled period, and we will be discussing follow-up items tomorrow when we have the whole team in.

    Kabam this still not fixed, we are just not able to do any damage or missions
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    So we tried again at 5:46 PM EST and were not able to do any damage..
  • IroncityIroncity Member Posts: 16

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you for reporting this bug. It was the result of an attempt to fix a different bug, but both should be fixed now. You should be able to play Raids as normal now.

    We are aware that this caused issues for those who were playing during the troubled period, and we will be discussing follow-up items tomorrow when we have the whole team in.

    Hey everybody,

    Thx @Kabam Miike

  • Pawn2468Pawn2468 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2024
    I’m confused. Did this all work during testing? Did the CCP all say this was totally fine, the way they did with the AI changes that then had to be fixed? What are we doing to learn from these mistakes and improve for future rollouts?

    Not trying to be negative here, rather trying to figure out how we can end what seems to be a broken cycle.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    kus234 said:

    So we tried again at 5:46 PM EST and were not able to do any damage..

    Someone said its a Holiday in Canada...
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    This is just nuts we wasted currency to buy RAID tickets and this is what we are getting a bug zone.. cumom Kabam this is a Prod issue and fix this.. treat this as P1 issue not a P4...
  • Rohith21Rohith21 Member Posts: 169 ★★
    Our charges are also disappearing each time I open the app.
  • Ming_Mow129Ming_Mow129 Member Posts: 54
    I've seen these fervor charges working in other game modes for some reason lol. Guess we'll have to do raids in act 7 or somewhere else lol
  • kus234kus234 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    edited February 2024
    And Kabam is enjoying the Holidays .. All the fun is ruined :(
  • Pawn2468Pawn2468 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2024

    I've seen these fervor charges working in other game modes for some reason lol. Guess we'll have to do raids in act 7 or somewhere else lol

    Considering this issue is marked as “fixed” at this point you aren’t exploiting a bug, but instead playing the game “as intended”. Have fun!
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★
    10/10 basic attacks are now causing me to swipe back.
  • CaryonCaryon Member Posts: 45
    I just had my first raids fight. I was the first in and got the max number of role charges (7) but only did 4% damage. That seems kind of low to me. Should I have done more damage?
  • CaryonCaryon Member Posts: 45
    Vedder38 said:

    Domino with crit crusher not working here.

    Same here for me. I got max number of charges and completed every challenge but only did 4% damage. I used a 7* r3 domino
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    This whole round is ducked, spending 180 raid tickets for this time waste is infuriating…

    And it’s so funny how Miike said it’s fixed and so many people went in only to lose more revives
  • Canucks37Canucks37 Member Posts: 85
    It seems to be fixed? Its working with the Critical Armour buff at least!
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    Canucks37 said:

    It seems to be fixed? Its working with the Critical Armour buff at least!

    Don't think it is. Some summoners are not experiencing this bug maybe that's why
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    Caryon said:

    I just had my first raids fight. I was the first in and got the max number of role charges (7) but only did 4% damage. That seems kind of low to me. Should I have done more damage?

    Should definitely have done more damage
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike can you switch it to not fixed or please let us know when it is actually fixed?
  • GhostOfYostGhostOfYost Member Posts: 59
    This bug was fixed for me after Miike posted saying it was fixed. It was not fixed for one of my alliance-mates. He had to uninstall and reinstall the entire app, and then he was able to do damage. For anybody still experiencing this and wanting to troubleshoot on your own, you could give that a try.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    It still seem to be a problem for some players including myself.

    I doing all that I should be doing with a R27 Venom, and not doing any really damage.

    Already gonna through so much revives to try and support the team.

    I join early and pick my Buff early, so wonder if that still have an affect on myself and similar players.

    Either it is costing so much.
  • RaulvallecaSRaulvallecaS Member Posts: 43
    Are they going to fix it or something? I still have the bug and I don't do almost any damage with titania.
    @Kabam Miike
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,805 ★★★★★
    Work day is probably just starting there. Hopefully we get some direction soon. Just seems like the team themselves don’t care about this game mode though to have the bugged and overtuned launch which punished players resources now followed up by a bugged launch of beta 2.0 landing on a vacation day.

    I don’t understand why Raids weren’t launched like BGs to iron out these things. And I really don’t understand why the team is so slow to call things what they are on this case.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    All these bugs have already caused irreversible, unfixable damage. I don't think there's any other solution other than cancelling it, and further delay it until it gets fixed.
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    @Kabam Jax do we have an update?
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★
    We really need any updated on this.

    Burning through so many items and boost, and barely make a dent to the Def HP, even with all the charges.

    This doesn't feel right, and the worst thingnis not affecting every players, some players in my Alliance have the same issue, some are not.
  • Soslayan9Soslayan9 Member Posts: 48
    Crit crusher Storm here - with absolutely no firepower. It’s very embarrassing to let down my fellow mates and feeling helpless to do anything about it.
    At first I thought - ok fine - I might not be tip top on Thanos but now again with Kang. Only one out of the three of us is making a killing. It’s not right.
  • EBG78EBG78 Member Posts: 135 ★★

    Hey everybody,

    Thank you for reporting this bug. It was the result of an attempt to fix a different bug, but both should be fixed now. You should be able to play Raids as normal now.

    We are aware that this caused issues for those who were playing during the troubled period, and we will be discussing follow-up items tomorrow when we have the whole team in.

    Nearly 24 hours since this post and still not a word from a Kabam employee.
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