Thanks, Mike

This weeks Winter of woe nebula is much easier than absorbing man (mainly due to the better/larger pool of options for each objective) so hopefully the other weeks are along these lines.
As everyone probably knows by now, scorpion is an excellent option for the offensive burst/medium objective. Watch Lagacy for a more detailed explanation, but basically use rupture prefight and do MLM combos then SP2 and repeat. You can ignore the shocks which is very nice and suicides help make it even easier.
Shang Chi is in my opinion the best carina's challengers option. I tried howard and just didn't like the feel of the fight. Shang Chi gives you much better control, if you're even half decent at playing him. My strategy: Parry MLM, parry MM, then parry heavy to reset strikes. Then when nebula goes unblockable use MLLM and ignore her autoblock or MLLLM into stun then MM then heavy to reset strikes. Use SP3 when power bar is full/if you get rooted by mistake. Then after building to only ~50 charges unleash a huge special 2 and KO her. It will take a few tries, but once you get into the rhythm of playing him it's quite enjoyable.
For the final objective I didn't have a highly ranked Odin and my 7 star angela is unduped. However, I intend to complete the Avengers Carina challenge at some point in the future so I did have a r4 sig 200 Thor. Armed with a 30% boost and a 5 star thor relic I was pleasantly surprised by his performance and I could have got the solo but got comboed when she was at about 25% due to my parry not registering
I had had such a nice run that I didn't want to bother restarting so I just used a revive and and finished her off easily in one SP3. I actually really enjoyed Thor's flow in this fight - I used parry then LLL (his medium is a bit clunky) to get his massive armour breaks and then hit into her block while she was unblockable and baited specials. Also thor's sp3 has a nice long guaranteed stun so you can use it to get in solid damage and ignnore her autoblock. He also has 40% shock resistance which is nice if you accidentally mess up and hit her block when she's in the wrong phase. So actually, thank you @Karatemike415 as without your challenge I would not have even thought of using Thor, who turned out to be quite a fun option. There are however a couple of caveats: My thor was R4 sig 200. A r3 could have probably done it with some AI cooperation and luck but don't even bother if your thor is low sig. He pretty much needs sig 200 or he deals no damage.
One small gripe is that 10 energy restart cost. I actually don't really mind this if I mess up or am testing a champ then back out to use a different one. But this cost felt very unfair considering a good portion of my failed attempts were due to dropped inputs (dashback or parry registering a fraction of a second too late due to lag/input issues.) There were also a few tries where the AI behaved weirdly and went super passive. I even got rooted and nebula continued to stay turtled instead of attacking me? Then the root ended but I couldn't hit into her block as I would get shocked. With all these (regularly acknowledged) input issues it feels cheap to put a 5 energy per tile cost when players will have to restart due to problems outside of their control.
NB: make sure to put strikers on in case you haven't got them on these champions as they can save you if you get rooted or you can combo them into a special at certain points for more control. Good luck everyone!
As everyone probably knows by now, scorpion is an excellent option for the offensive burst/medium objective. Watch Lagacy for a more detailed explanation, but basically use rupture prefight and do MLM combos then SP2 and repeat. You can ignore the shocks which is very nice and suicides help make it even easier.
Shang Chi is in my opinion the best carina's challengers option. I tried howard and just didn't like the feel of the fight. Shang Chi gives you much better control, if you're even half decent at playing him. My strategy: Parry MLM, parry MM, then parry heavy to reset strikes. Then when nebula goes unblockable use MLLM and ignore her autoblock or MLLLM into stun then MM then heavy to reset strikes. Use SP3 when power bar is full/if you get rooted by mistake. Then after building to only ~50 charges unleash a huge special 2 and KO her. It will take a few tries, but once you get into the rhythm of playing him it's quite enjoyable.
For the final objective I didn't have a highly ranked Odin and my 7 star angela is unduped. However, I intend to complete the Avengers Carina challenge at some point in the future so I did have a r4 sig 200 Thor. Armed with a 30% boost and a 5 star thor relic I was pleasantly surprised by his performance and I could have got the solo but got comboed when she was at about 25% due to my parry not registering

One small gripe is that 10 energy restart cost. I actually don't really mind this if I mess up or am testing a champ then back out to use a different one. But this cost felt very unfair considering a good portion of my failed attempts were due to dropped inputs (dashback or parry registering a fraction of a second too late due to lag/input issues.) There were also a few tries where the AI behaved weirdly and went super passive. I even got rooted and nebula continued to stay turtled instead of attacking me? Then the root ended but I couldn't hit into her block as I would get shocked. With all these (regularly acknowledged) input issues it feels cheap to put a 5 energy per tile cost when players will have to restart due to problems outside of their control.
NB: make sure to put strikers on in case you haven't got them on these champions as they can save you if you get rooted or you can combo them into a special at certain points for more control. Good luck everyone!
I have him at R4, may have to give him a try given my other options are r3 currently.
Carinas is the last one I have to do.
If you are a avg player like me, better off bank 15-20 charges, throw a sp2 then repeat.
I used 2 revives cuz I stored 20 charges but died before getting to use the sp2.
Also extremely pro tip, When you purify the shock, you recieve extremely less damage compared to having the shock debuff.