Forever Paragon. Always and forever

Usmcguy89Usmcguy89 Member Posts: 36
The time has come for myself to finally call a quits to this game. I started this playing this game when a fellow coworker introduced me to Mcoc summer of 2015. Through the years I’ve had the honor to play with some awesome alliances and a few not so great alliances. This game has been there for me through the tough challenges in life and also the happy moments. The reason I’m leaving might sound a little stupid but this all comes from the Valentine’s Day calendar as a paragon player. With all the hype around the calendar I believed (my fault) that paragon players would get a 7* champ and not a CHANCE at one. This made me realize the growing gap between paragon vs valiant players. Ever since the valiant title came out, there has been minimal opportunities to achieve valiant without spending big. Even after completing necropolis, I was unable to r3 a champ because my options were limited with champions. I saw a video on the upcoming BG store buff and there are little changes coming to Paragon players and still I see no way of be long valiant through the BG store. This morning I was made aware of AW changes with top 10 alliances receiving a 7* and that was the tipping point. From what I remember, achieving paragon wasn’t this limiting. So that being said, the time has come for me to sadly uninstall MCOC and will remain now and I the future FOREVER Paragon


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,739 ★★★★
    I'm not a big fan of the new Valiant store update cause I was hoping that Paragon would get something, but since I don't spend in the game I'm always going to be behind and I'm ok with that. Spenders need a reason to spend to keep the game going without adds. With the new store, more Valiant players will be able to upgrade their champs faster which makes it harder in BG which I still enjoy. I'm working on gettting Valiant once they release 8.4. FTP players and modest players will never get near big spenders (even Brian Grant who grinds like a mad man) can't compete with spenders so my odds of catching them are none. I have realize this a long time ago so I don't worry about what others get, I just enjoy the game at my pace. If you are trying to keep up with the whales than you need to be a whale yourself othewise you are dead in the water.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★★★
    Really no different to how thronebreaker was treated when paragon became a thing.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★

    I'll never understand why FTPers believe they should have the latest and greatest. Manage expectations and you won't be let down.

    But if an overreaction there, but I see this a lot on the forums. The OP didn’t mention anything about being FTP, and only used the phrase “minimal options without spending big”, which is both simplistic and not entirely accurate. Nobody complained that FTP players can’t have the best and latest (in this thread), but in the case of Valiant, there are certainly a sizable portion of players that did it without paying. I’m only one Necro path away.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 809 ★★★★
    I've also been playing since 2015, FTP and I'm valiant with 3 R3s. Just gotta be careful with unit spending. I did 100% Necro within 2 weeks of release so I got my Valiant that way, (took Attuma to r3, whatever, it was about the title not some great new rank on a good champ).
    I also just took another r3 up with catalysts, bought 1.5 t4a on Cyber with units, and another 1.5 for 9k units from the Romance store.
    If you're not willing to put in the effort and make some though choices, you don't have the right to complain.
    By not ranking an average or even bad champ to r3 just to become Valiant, you're missing out on a lot of rewards that would give you the flexibility to rank anyone you want. Kinda like cutting your nose to spite your face.
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,242 ★★★★

    Gonna steal this real quick

  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,475 ★★★★
    Paragon players oppressed just like Cavaliers
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,730 ★★★★★
    Usmcguy89 said:

    The time has come for myself to finally call a quits to this game. I started this playing this game when a fellow coworker introduced me to Mcoc summer of 2015. Through the years I’ve had the honor to play with some awesome alliances and a few not so great alliances. This game has been there for me through the tough challenges in life and also the happy moments. The reason I’m leaving might sound a little stupid but this all comes from the Valentine’s Day calendar as a paragon player. With all the hype around the calendar I believed (my fault) that paragon players would get a 7* champ and not a CHANCE at one. This made me realize the growing gap between paragon vs valiant players. Ever since the valiant title came out, there has been minimal opportunities to achieve valiant without spending big. Even after completing necropolis, I was unable to r3 a champ because my options were limited with champions. I saw a video on the upcoming BG store buff and there are little changes coming to Paragon players and still I see no way of be long valiant through the BG store. This morning I was made aware of AW changes with top 10 alliances receiving a 7* and that was the tipping point. From what I remember, achieving paragon wasn’t this limiting. So that being said, the time has come for me to sadly uninstall MCOC and will remain now and I the future FOREVER Paragon

    If u believe pargon wasn’t limited when that’s first launched it was horrible u had to buying deals to get it mainly had to buying act 7 deal twice plus do a few carina challenges. So that’s was way harder then valiant you is choosing not to r3 a champion because u don’t like the chosen your ben give us one you i r3 rocket raccoon. Because the valiant giv so much better then pargone so I got valiant in the middle of December and yes I did spend for in to start but since then have done nerc so can hav 3 r3 but I chose to hold one the generic gem from nerco to after 8.4 get launched
  • AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    See ya next week
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 8,289 ★★★★★
    That's how thronebreakers felt when Paragon became the most rewarded title, Cavailers felt when thronebreaker became the most rewarded title, Uncollected felt when cavailer became the most rewarded and so on.

    The game keeps on going like that, You can either push or play chill, But quitting a game over this reason is absurd
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    Usmcguy89 said:

    The time has come for myself to finally call a quits to this game. I started this playing this game when a fellow coworker introduced me to Mcoc summer of 2015. Through the years I’ve had the honor to play with some awesome alliances and a few not so great alliances. This game has been there for me through the tough challenges in life and also the happy moments. The reason I’m leaving might sound a little stupid but this all comes from the Valentine’s Day calendar as a paragon player. With all the hype around the calendar I believed (my fault) that paragon players would get a 7* champ and not a CHANCE at one. This made me realize the growing gap between paragon vs valiant players. Ever since the valiant title came out, there has been minimal opportunities to achieve valiant without spending big. Even after completing necropolis, I was unable to r3 a champ because my options were limited with champions. I saw a video on the upcoming BG store buff and there are little changes coming to Paragon players and still I see no way of be long valiant through the BG store. This morning I was made aware of AW changes with top 10 alliances receiving a 7* and that was the tipping point. From what I remember, achieving paragon wasn’t this limiting. So that being said, the time has come for me to sadly uninstall MCOC and will remain now and I the future FOREVER Paragon

    Right there with you, brother. I’ve played faithfully since literally day 1 in December of 2014, but Kabam has completely lost me at this point. Unbelievably stupid and unnecessary barriers put in place to cause many of us Paragon players to sit here fuming for months and months, while hearing about how amazing something is that you have no realistic shot at attaining anytime soon. I am an adult with a family and an actual life, so exploring Necropolis is a total joke. It feels completely pointless logging in each day at this point.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Jefechuta said:

    I mean, Valiant players are supposed to be the most end-game players at the game right, obviously there is going to be a gap between them, a noticeable one, Paragons are too behind rewards wise, thats right, but I mean, thats not a reason to drop the game, just wait a month for the Act 8.4 and you will get Valiant aswell.

    Making a mountain out of nowhere

    One wont get Valiant from 8.4/act 8 alone mate.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    This is so odd.

    Most of the posts about valiant I’ve been engaged with is people with the valiant title arguing about how little value it has. Spend most of my time defending its value based exclusively on the daily crystal

    At the outset of this kabam did a fairly excellent job outlining exactly how people would have access to valiant across the first several months. You either did Necro and bought the cyber deals, explored necro, or waited until 8.4 dropped and some combination of the above.

    And then they promised that they would slowly introduce valiant based rewards in the interim. Certainly what they never said was that valiant would be totally worthless until they dropped 8.4

    now, without getting too much into the weeds, I think I can fairly argue that my life is worse, harder and more constrained than the vast majority of the people playing this game. For me, the game is an escape and a distraction. the way that I got valiant done, to be honest, was leaving my alliance. It offered no meaningful help towards getting the title, and in fact, was making it impossible to focus on it. And I haven’t gone back as I still don’t see the upside in the face of my responsibilities versus actually achieving the things I want in game.

    If you can’t leave your alliance because that’s part of the joy of the game to you, then you have your reward. The relationships in your alliance. And then I wouldn’t see why you would leave the game as you would leave those relationships. Otherwise, make a choice? Would the game be more fun as a valiant? then become a valiant.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
    @Lovejoy72 Accurate. While I am certainly one to encourage people to consider going without an alliance, I have found a semi-retired alliance to be entertaining in its own right. A handful of us have been together for at least 6 years, and several even back to 2016, but we also have a large group of progressing and lower accounts that are just now facing the Champion boss, for instance. It's fun, you get the bonus of being in an alliance (events rewards, etc), you can still play through things like Raids, but you can put in minimal to no effort in AQ/AW. Shoot me a message if you are interested in an easier Alliance life, but hopefully your actual life just clears up and gets better.
  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited February 29
    I tried so hard and grinded revive before it got nerfed. I gave 10-15 days and become valient in 1st week of January. Every good thing has a price even in game and if you want you have to pay for.

    Even kabam ignored bg store for 3-4 month for valient. they finally did it. Now you are coming with a sad post and uninstalling the MCOC. I am glad kabam atleast gave FTP to get the valient title with spending money by exploring necropolis.
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