Why battleground is so unattractive?

I would like to know your opinion on why battleground is so unattractive at the moment and why such a low part of the community access the gladiator path.
For me the main issues are in order:
- the way to obtain elderly marks since they removed them from the glory path. It leads to a slower or units use to complete the event.
- The players I face. Facing way to powerful opponents where the skill doesn’t matter anymore and just the size of the deck. Why not caping all champs to the same rank? For example a 7r2 having the stats of a 6r4 to have truly skill fights and not a rush to who will spend the most in order to be competitive.
- The cost of a fight. 15 energy is a lot when you have event quests/ side quests or challenges/ other quests to complete. If the cost of a fight was lower, I am sure more players would play the mode. Maybe reduce the cost by 33% or 66%. I’m sure it would increase the number of players and the number of players who reach the gladiatory path.
- The randomness of the draft. Sometimes it’s unpleasant to don’t have your “good” champions when your opponent having all the right counters. This point is very minor as I count it as the “randomness” of the fight. And it’s up to the player to use his brain to pick and select competitive champions in his deck.
To conclude, I really like the mode and its concept but i think it has room for improvement.
Ps: I know there is already a new coming shop for valiant but I’m not concerned (as I find my pleasure in the actual shop)
For me the main issues are in order:
- the way to obtain elderly marks since they removed them from the glory path. It leads to a slower or units use to complete the event.
- The players I face. Facing way to powerful opponents where the skill doesn’t matter anymore and just the size of the deck. Why not caping all champs to the same rank? For example a 7r2 having the stats of a 6r4 to have truly skill fights and not a rush to who will spend the most in order to be competitive.
- The cost of a fight. 15 energy is a lot when you have event quests/ side quests or challenges/ other quests to complete. If the cost of a fight was lower, I am sure more players would play the mode. Maybe reduce the cost by 33% or 66%. I’m sure it would increase the number of players and the number of players who reach the gladiatory path.
- The randomness of the draft. Sometimes it’s unpleasant to don’t have your “good” champions when your opponent having all the right counters. This point is very minor as I count it as the “randomness” of the fight. And it’s up to the player to use his brain to pick and select competitive champions in his deck.
To conclude, I really like the mode and its concept but i think it has room for improvement.
Ps: I know there is already a new coming shop for valiant but I’m not concerned (as I find my pleasure in the actual shop)
Also, BGs take ages, are pretty punishing and can be unrewarding. Many players are adults adults with jobs, who just wanna enjoy the game. And running from real world to a stressful rumble feels awful
It doesn't align with my way of playing. I will have game open 8+ hours a day do a fight break to hit go on my test bed then do a fight see results of my test rinse and repeat all day long. 10 full minutes uninterrupted is a tough ask for me.
I can't stand the nature of it regardless of that as bg is a Repetitive grind to me after all work out what the node is doing all decks look the same just here you go fight another domino or korg again and again till you can't stand it no more.
Maybe location specific to Australia maybe world wide as I can comment but weirdo ai bugs happen more in that game mode than anywhere else. I remember doing a combo mll go for next light but ai intercepted me before it landed. Also the amount of times I hit sp or relic and I'm still standing there so ai hits me is ridiculous. That damage there costs me a w.
All and all not enjoying the mode that I have to screw with my schedule to actually do and then losing to a bug means why play this mode.
Don't even get me started on the motivation killer all the 5 in a row cause to me I see that as 50 minutes of my time to do and there is absolutely no guarantee I'm not exactly where I started at the end of it.
Funniest bit of it all, the bg I did this season I had a 92% win rate, last season was 89% and season before was 94% (I deleted all my older results but I would assume about same) and I still hate it.
They don't dare...what would all the Valiants do then, when they can't bully the paragon and thronebreaker accounts...and have to base their victories on knowledge and skills...and everyone competes on exactly the same terms 😱😱😱
I stopped reading after that.
Cause I definitely wanna bust my ass to R2 a 7* so it's the same as ranking a 6* to rank4... smh
If that's the case I'll just continue taking my 6* to r4+ 🤣🤣
Assuming that players who have beaten all available story acts plus Necropolis, have lesser knowledge and skill than someone who just beat the Grandmaster or just got 3 r4s and became Oaragon, is just foolish at this point.
The higher the progress title, the higher the in game experience, game knowledge, and most likely skill.
While we are at it, why is having a stronger roster not competing on "exactly the same terms" but having more knowledge or skill is? Why is it fair if a more knowledgeable player beats up on an ignorant one, but it is unfair if a stronger roster player beats up on a weaker roster player? Who decides that knowledge is a fair advantage but roster is an unfair one?
I say that as someone who would love to see a game mode where knowledge was the determining factor on who wins and who loses. But one thing I've noticed in every online PvP game that I've ever played, is that there's always a faction of players who decides what fair and unfair advantages are, and has no self-awareness that these are totally arbitrary choices.
Also, I had a ball playing during the days of deck matching. Playing with a 4* deck is no different from playing with a 3* deck. The game can no longer distinguish between me and someone who started playing yesterday. While there are lots of Valiants that have no idea what they are doing, statistically speaking the average Valiant player knows way more than the average Uncollected player and has a far larger skill set, so pitting everyone with 3* decks and seeing who knows more about which champs are better for the meta and what strategies will work best to defeat certain champs is going to heavily favor the veterans.
The only difference between me defeating an Uncollected player with roster and me defeating an Uncollected player because I have several more years of experience against them is that it is less obvious to the Uncollected player that they had no chance whatsoever. I was averaging about 75% win rate all the way up to GC with a 4* deck. If playing with full roster is not "competing on exactly the same terms" then neither was this. It was just a different way of stacking the deck.
And upping a 7r2 is not busting an ass rn. It’s just spending money on the game and offers.
I do just fine.
The only reason I'm not in GC every season is because I don't try to get to GC, because I don't care enough to get there.
I have a grand total of two 7r3, two 7r2, and 5 6r5, one of those being my Aegon in which is never in my bg's deck.
But yet, I end up in vibranium every season without pushing, because of skill, not my wallet that I rarely use on the game.
My big spend got my aegon to r5, which just meant necropolis didn't cost me as many revives as my r4 would have.
Had zero to do with bg's, and yet, I could get to GC every season if I cared enough to.
You wanna be at the top, then go get it.
Otherwise, stop whining.
Battleground funny with great personality.
The issues:
- It's a freaking grind with the last 3 brackets from VC to GC being 5 victory tokens. You can get stuck in limbo pretty easily. Which will drastically lower the desire to play the mode.
- Sticking with the grind them. It is just too similar to arena. We are likely banning similar champs, facing similar champs and using similar champs every round.
- The rewards are simply dated at this point. The BG store is too expensive for most goods. The solo and alliance events are a joke at this point. I grind a whole season for 1 six star champ? Which is just really 7 star shards and iso.
- I personally have no desire to grind when I hit GC. I don't get anything for moving through the tiers and don't care enough to hope I can climb high enough.
- Kabam introducing so many champs that require a niche counter can make some decks just frustrating. Seeing decks with R5 ascended Bullseye and onslaught, coupled with the 7 star photon (but she gets smacked by kingpin) and attuma. There are still the bishops, korgs and things of the world that need specific counters or you time out. Dust on the horizon will make another champ that is just not fun to fight against.
- Kabam only updating a Valiant store is a slap in the face to a large part of their player base... and I say this as a valiant player. There have been multiple forum topics on the dated BG store and instead of actually addressing the problem... they come off as only caring about the highest progression level. (Then do the same thing with AW reward buff)... miss after miss
They need to do a better job with participation trophies. Otherwise there's no motivation to play if you keep losing. They could start with the daily BG objectives not having anything to do with winning. If I lose five times in a row it would suck less if I got 1000 BG tokens.
And with the pool getting smaller and smaller accounts that used to be winning accounts become losing accounts. And the pool keeps getting smaller.
I'd also like to see to see each match give a medal. You sweep the opponent you get 2 medals, you get sweet you lose two. The way it currently is is just kinda slow. And it would be nice to have the larger accounts quickly move away from the smaller ones.
Not difficult
What's up with the Battlegrounds shaming? Lol
2. According to the 45.0 patch notes (https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/v45-0-release-notes/) Kabam is changing scoring to +2/-1 (meaning, you get two medals for winning and still lose one for losing) throughout VT (at the moment, that's the scoring for low tiers only). This will come with an increased number of medals and VT tiers to progress through, but it should increase the percentage of players who have positive progress in VT without getting stuck.
1. Reward to time ratio that people have mentioned. When battlegrounds first came out, you could just play battlegrounds and the rewards would allow you to progress at the same pace or better than others doing every other form of content. Now, end game content (necropolis, WoW), incursions, side quests, etc. take so much of your time and in many cases give better rewards than battlegrounds. No one wants to grind battlegrounds unless they have to.
2. Kabam has gone overboard by releasing too many overpowered defenders in quick succession. If they had spaced it out, maybe it would have worked but by releasing one practically every month, there is a huge divide between paymasters getting these champs and others who arent able to keep up. Combine with point 1 above and its not worth the slog.
3. Battlegrounds has more glitches and AI problems per minute than any other format in the game.
4. The consequences of losing a match in battlegrounds is too high at this stage. The rewards for participation is not enough. With so many contributing factors to losing and great players have a win percentage slightly above 50%, you need better rewards for participation instead of just reaching GC.
5. Battlegrounds is the only mode that so heavily rewards people up to date with the game. Some champions not working as intended (relics whiffing, champion bugs) play a role in your choices on battlegrounds. A lot of bugs get reported by people playing the node and therefore it becomes overwhelming to keep track of everything if you are a casual player.
6. Except for the boosted rewards seasons, the prizes are no longer worth it. Most people opt out because of the above reasons and therefore the group of people playing gets stronger. I never used to lose before gold but now facing tough opponents even in bronze.
Personally, i am in a retired alliance because i cant dedicate time to the game. Battlegrounds is just too time consuming and punishing to motivate myself to grind to GC on non stellar reward seasons (which is now long overdue).