Have You or a Loved One Been Affected by This Bug?

DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 163 ★★
There was a bug introduced around the time of Raids where if anyone left the alliance, new members were unable to place defenders. Of course you have to wait until the current war is over, but it was soon discovered that defenders couldn't be placed for 3+ wars. Due to this, wars have been lost, especially when it's a tight match where it depends on attack bonus and diversity bonus. A top 10 ally was knocked out of their placements due to this and I'm sure a lot of others have been affected but didn't notice it. (that's 30x people affected for every alliance that had to deal with this)

So far nothing has been mentioned especially with it being right by when the AW season was coming to an end. Personally, my alliance dropped 2 placements due to us missing 10 defenders for 4+ wars after replacing 2 members in our alliance.

Have You or a Loved One Been Affected by This Bug? 27 votes

Yes, my alliance has
Gonc3dExHavokMaicoñ97Milan1405Deadpoolmercs88ChrisAfterdarkTheExit27Nicoya24BettaLucNxtTimeJack2634ArkkyIgheid11DarthMysticNisNMasterANoahSansmanDeathsworker 17 votes
No, we didn't replace any members
World Eatercaptain_rogersFerahgoKlippSamuraiguyjohnfrederic1 6 votes
I Don't Know (Check your previous AW matches to see if all defenders were placed or if you're currently missing defenders)
RuwqiersaDrago_von_DragoLo67KiNightheart 4 votes


  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 163 ★★
    Yes, my alliance has
    Disagree bots go crazy
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 163 ★★
    Yes, my alliance has
    Lovejoy72 said:

    @The_0wenpus then don’t answer? Lol serves 0 purpose

    If the OP was recruiting for a class action lawsuit, then I would agree. But if you’re just looking for the prevalence of the bug you need that data?
    Are you insinuating I'm not filing a class action lawsuit?
  • DarthMysticDarthMystic Member Posts: 63
    Yes, my alliance has

    Disagree bots go crazy

    People disagree for a reason, there aren't bots. What purpose would that even serve? I disagreed because of the horrible choices for poll answers. My alliance, for example, has replaced members, but was not affected by this bug. This means none of the poll answers fit.
    Fair enough. Your alliance replaced a member during the most recent raid week and was able to participate in those wars?
  • BettaLucNxtTimeBettaLucNxtTime Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Yes, my alliance has
    Lovejoy72 said:

    @The_0wenpus then don’t answer? Lol serves 0 purpose

    If the OP was recruiting for a class action lawsuit, then I would agree. But if you’re just looking for the prevalence of the bug you need that data?
    Imo it doesn’t matter who wasn’t affected. The point is to see how many were affected. Bugs happen every day In This game, some hit people and some don’t. This was just to catch some attention bc kabam has been ignoring us for close to 2 weeks now and it’s pathetic. They are sweeping it under the rug so he probably thought if everyone voted on the poll it would force them to at least acknowledge the issue.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 3,075 ★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Lovejoy72 said:

    @The_0wenpus then don’t answer? Lol serves 0 purpose

    If the OP was recruiting for a class action lawsuit, then I would agree. But if you’re just looking for the prevalence of the bug you need that data?
    Are you insinuating I'm not filing a class action lawsuit?
    Avengers 5 : The return of Golivarez the Great
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,690 ★★★★★
    Not sure if genuine post, or disagree farming.
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 163 ★★
    Yes, my alliance has

    Not sure if genuine post, or disagree farming.

    I forgot to include one option in my poll, what matters is alliances were affected by the bug and it knocked people out of rankings and kabam continues to ignore it.
  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 163 ★★
    Yes, my alliance has
    12 X 30 = 360 people affected. Crazy. And that's just people using the forums. Still no comment.
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