X-Magica attacker tactic
I don’t know if I am the only one or it is because english isn’t my first language but the description feels like it is missing some words. In this sentence I feel like it is just not grammatically correct.
“ When a #Magic Thief Defender activates an Indestructible Passive, it and 1 Prowess Passive from this Tactic is instantly removed. “
This “ it and 1 Prowess Passive from this Tactic is instantly removed.“
I know what they mean by it, that if defender activates indestructible it then removes one prowess to remove the indestructible but in that sentence it just says “ it and “ which I can’t wrap my head around lmao
When a #Magic Thief Defender activates an Indestructible Passive, it THEN REMOVES 1 Prowess Passive from Tactic ATTACKER TO INSTANTLY REMOVE THAT INDESTRUCTIBLE.
Would make much more sense to me…