Horrendously low rewards....

Any other Thronebreakers shocked at how poor this months Event Quest rewards are?? There's 50 T2 dust in the solo objectices, which is nice, there's a 6 star awakening gem in the solo event but then basically nothing !
Am i missing something or is that essentially it this month? The traders outpost is a joke.... there's a sniff of 6 star shards and 8,550 T6 basic catalyst fragments.... i can get more from a week of AQ....
Jan & Feb I could do one path of the EQ and get a fully formed 6 star or a fully formed T6, there's just no comparison. There's also literally 0 7 star shards on offer for TB.
I've been away from the game for years but came back the start of this year and have been making great progress but this lack luster month makes me wanna step away again. What's everyone else's thoughts?
Am i missing something or is that essentially it this month? The traders outpost is a joke.... there's a sniff of 6 star shards and 8,550 T6 basic catalyst fragments.... i can get more from a week of AQ....
Jan & Feb I could do one path of the EQ and get a fully formed 6 star or a fully formed T6, there's just no comparison. There's also literally 0 7 star shards on offer for TB.
I've been away from the game for years but came back the start of this year and have been making great progress but this lack luster month makes me wanna step away again. What's everyone else's thoughts?
The rewards will be higher
I got 7* shards the last 2 months running why should this month be so much worse, not every month has to be a banger but this is pitiful. And saying “just get paragon”…
A.) I’ve completed act 7 I just need to rank up my 6 stars, guess what I need to do that ?
B.) paragon rewards are just as trash not everyone can be a whale that spends on the game like you clearly are.
You're all just saying climb higher..... I AM, we all are, doesnt mean we should get no decent rewards this month...
But the moment anyone suggests to try to become Paragon Valaint, they go like 😡😡😡😡😡
Its like saying, rewards are bad? just spend £1000 on the game for crystals.... yeh no duh