Women of Power Objectives - 2-Star Guillotine Objective

I was just wondering whether or not the "Beautiful and the Beast" objective requires me to complete the Venom fight in one attempt, or are revives required? Because I did it once with one revive, and I didn't complete the objective. I'm assuming you can go directly for the boss? (I'm referring to the Venom boss in 4.3.6)
Edit: Yes, I am using the 2 star. Specifically maxed it out for this objective.
Edit 2: Responding to Pikolu: Ah, that's it then. I wasn't aware it had to be just Guillotine on the team, just that you only had to use her on the fight. Alright, thanks then. Cheers!
I was safer baiting spa's all day.
Ended up getting the solo after about 12 or so tries. Just had to get the AI to cooperate.
kabam are incompetent soulless ghouls
The only one I’m struggling with is Spider-Man. Cat got him to bleed down to like 3% (when I found one) then it stopped. The one in Act1 didn’t seem to count when I tried either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Found one thanks to another poster: RTTL 1.3)
Once I got him down to 50% he had way too much resistances to do any real damage. Eventually died and then had to deal with the godawful AI that would switch between its terrible turtling and its aggressively fast movements and took me 9 revives to finish him off. Would’ve rather just used those for content with better rewards.