LG G5 Device Specific Issues [Under Investigation]

PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
edited May 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I couldn't get a response on the old forums or through support so I will try a post here. The LG G5 left hand swipe function does not work properly. About 20% of the time it either doesn't register or does the opposite of the way you swipe. This happens in every single fight in the game. Every champ, in every game mode and has been an issue since 12.0 released. Almost 3 months now with no acknowledgement from Kabam. Here are a few video's showcasing the issue.



Please address this issue Kabam! It is not hard to test, just pull out an LG G5 and play the game for a minute.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


  • chaos3430chaos3430 Member Posts: 126
    It's all LG devices as far as I heard, I have a LG V20 and it's the same. Also, most people with Android 5 through 7 are having all types of issues.
  • Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
    I have a lg aristo and my gameplay is worse than that. It won't even block on time and swipes don't work. I have to play on a tablet otherwise i wouldn't be able to participate in an alliance
  • CnytttCnyttt Member Posts: 2
    Lg g5 slow motion and left right dislocate
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Hey there everyone. Sorry for the delay on responding to you about this. The game team is currently looking into these issues with the LG G5, so hopefully we'll have some updates for you soon. It's possible I'll be back in here to ask you all for more information as we progress into this. Thanks so much for your patience.
    Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
  • MixokilagistroyMixokilagistroy Member Posts: 2
    Having Similar problems with my Bush D3. Worst part is that sometimes I get stuck on the left end screen and can't even move out of it. Left side is super slow in response to touch. Had the phone checked out and works perfect in other games.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    Happy to work with you however is most helpful Kabam Wolf. I have multiple service tickets records, videos, and have been tracking the Exact Same Issue since 12.0 released. That is why I know it is not the same swipe/evade issue that has recently cropped up for a bunch of the community.
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    Wolf, I just want to say thank you for responding to us! I've seen numerous posts on the old forums from Peacock and others about this, and until now we all felt like it was just being ignored.

    I'm on a G5 and tend to use a different style to Peacock, yet have the same issues.
    I often use my right thumb for evading and initiating the first dash attack of a combo. Similar to others, I'd say that 20% of the time, the command will be misregistered and an evade will result in nothing or a swipe forward will result in swinging a light attack at the air rather than a dashing medium attack.

    I will also be happy to provide any information you need to help resolve the issue.
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    For reference, the latest update has not had any effect on the G5 issues.
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Hey everyone. Just wanted to update you all and let you know that we are still looking into this. It didn't make it into today's update, but it is still an issue that we're actively working on. Thanks again for hanging in there, and I'll post in here as soon as I have more info.
    Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
  • VaillVaill Member Posts: 8
    I have exactly the same problem since 12.0 update. 2 month for fix a problem...it's to long....
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Its probably because of android's CPU. Usually, android versions from 5 to 7 have the same issue while using an app that heats up the CPU which makes it hard for the phone to keep track of what you're doing. Make sure that the only app running is MCOC and also make sure power saving mode is turned off. MCOC in my prespective is a game that has to run on a device capable of multitasking.

    You can also try clearing your cache in the settings to free some space for the CPU.

    In other cases, it can be the cause of the type of screen you use. If it has been recently replaced, it may not be the right type for your phone and you may have to go back and replace it with a new one.
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    You obviously don't play on an LG g5 Dlegend. I promise you I have tried every trouble shoot tactic that exists. It also isn't an occasional issue that shows up. It has happened to me on every fight I've had since 12.0.

    @kabam wolf thank you for keeping us updated about the progress on this. We really appreciate it.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 808 ★★★
    I play on LG G4 and have troubles in gameplay too.
  • VaillVaill Member Posts: 8
    I play 4 month with my LG G5 before the update 12.0. The gameplay was perfect. After the update the trouble are appear
  • Farseer123456789Farseer123456789 Member Posts: 57
    Got similar issues. Not as bad as some of the posts but still. Be nice to evade properly lol. Sooner the better Kabam. Thanks for looking into this
  • AtariAvatarAtariAvatar Member Posts: 4
    Same issue for my wife and myself with LG G5. I have wasted a ton of units because of this glitch. HAPPY to know that this is a known issue being worked on at least.
  • Farseer123456789Farseer123456789 Member Posts: 57
    Champs I notice the most issues with are Wolverine and Ms Marvel. There evade and swiping back often doesn't happen.
  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Sounds like you guys need to get new phones. The Galaxy S8+ is amazing! Simply put....
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    Speedbump, while I realise there's an element of joking in your post, the G5 is a fantastic phone also. It's just not so great for playing MCOC! haha.
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    I am also still experiencing difficulties with the same thing and more. Kabam please fix this issue it has been well over a month. You updated it and for most people it seems to be fixed but for LG G5 users its becoming impossible to play the game. Im currently nearly finished on master mode EQ but i cant finish the maps without using lots of potions due to these bugs..i have no potions nor do i have any intrest in buying units to do so for them to just get wasted?
    Before the 13.0 update i was hardly taking any damage in all my fights..but since then i cant even fight any opponent without taking combos due to these bugs..and when your playing on master mode you cant take a combo in the face or its death..please please please fix these bugs!! The game is truely unplayable unless you spend 100s of £££!!!

    1. Blocking is still been broken through.
    2. Parry timing is still off just registers as a block at best!
    3. Double Evading is still a issue!!!!!
    4. Using specials mid combo are being blocked!
    5. Dodging heavy attacks the champ just stands there.
    6. The A.I seems alot faster than what we are able to react.
    7. The left side of the screen is un-responsive.

    Hope to hear back from you soon.
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    Its also intresting that i just tried on my snmsung galaxy s5 and encountered the same problems as mentioned above. So it seems its not just my LG S5 but also the snmsung S5.. Idk whats going on but it really needs to be fixed!!!..seems to be working fine for most people so why do some people seem to be still experiencing problems even after the 'fix' update?
  • VaillVaill Member Posts: 8
    Wolf ? Update please
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    @Kabam Wolf Any update on this? We are all eager to hear about any progress.
  • MulcyberMulcyber Member Posts: 4
    I have been having similiar issues as the above with my LG V20... I am also locked out of the topmost buttons in game so i cant access buttons to write a ticket, or access masteries...or units. This may be the result of sensor damage due to heat? My phone is relatively new (5 months old) and im careful with it (don't leave it in heat, etc...) It is restricting my access in game. I don't see any posts with that issue so i have to think it's the phone itself.
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2017
    Just had a mare of an AQ because of swipes not registering. Safe to say that fighting minibosses is a bad idea when missing an evade or punching the air results in losing over half your health. :/

    @Kabam Wolf - Please give the game team a nudge. ;)
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    Act 5 Chapter 2 really sucks when you avoid a heavy or a special and your swipe doesn't register so you take it to the face. Any update on this thread @Kabam Wolf
  • Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Member Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates on this. The team is still actively looking into this for us, and I am hoping to have more information about this soon. Thanks so much for bearing with us!
    Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
  • AbbotiniAbbotini Member Posts: 9
    Act 5 Chapter 2 really sucks when you avoid a heavy or a special and your swipe doesn't register so you take it to the face. Any update on this thread @Kabam Wolf

    Yeh, agree with this. I got thru 5.2.1 & 5.2.2 and then gave up cos I had used up the small amount of revives I had stashed. Hoping for a fix soon so I can carry on further without spending a ton of units. At least I have the new event quest to be pushing on with in the meantime.
  • Kushyclouds92Kushyclouds92 Member Posts: 25
    Its not even just act 5 guys its happening in all game content for me..but as we all know playing on act 5 or master quests pretty much requires you to basically play perfect which wasnt so much of a problem before the updates..But since the updates i cant fight perfect anymore everysingle fight i have im taking significant damage due to all the numerous bugs..we dont hear back from you guys at kabam for a week+ then when you do reply its the same reply as you given prior to saying your looking into it? Come on guys surely after all this time you have figured out there is actually STILL problems!?
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    @Kushyclouds92 The issue happens to me in every single fight since 12.0 was released. The more difficult content is where it is most noticeable though because you have to bait specials a lot and taking a heavy takes the majority of your health. I just deal with it for arenas and anything around that difficulty but it costs me potions to keep up in AQ, AW, & Act 5.
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