Loyalty Shatter Token Missing

Am i understanding things incorrectly or is there no tokens available for purchase and only shatter? i bought 4 shatter with 400k loyalty but there’s nowhere to buy the tokens to trade for the 7 star shards….?
I’ve got 1.2 mil loyalty and I was really hoping I could open another 7* crystal, but looks like I might be forced to do the Loyalty Crystal again and just get a few thousand 7* shards after the Showcase event goes live.
here miike even confirms the tokens can be bought with loyalty (not loyalty shatter, the person said when can we buy tokens with loyalty)
Loyalty can be traded for Loyalty Crystal Shatter. This means players can mix and match different amounts of Shatter Tokens and Loyalty to get the 15 necessary Loyalty Crystal Shatter to buy the 7-star Loyalty Crystal
Loyalty Crystal Shatter can be traded for the Loyalty crystal.
You cannot trade Loyalty for 7-star shards through this system. That is the entire reason two different resources (the tokens and the shatter) were added.
Honestly, a minute or two video quickly explaining these new modes/features before release would be nice and probably help with alot of confusion everytime something like this is introduced.
A video like the ones that were posted in the past.
By having a limiter, they can make them a lot less expensive.
How tf do I get this
For me, assuming I’m able to complete the showcase I’ll be going for a 7* loyalty crystal - want to dup my black cat or my HtG.
Dr. Zola