Is White Tiger useless?

For the people who have her and have her ranked, where are you using white tiger for me personally i cannot find a use for her outside of maybe 2 fights those being Gorr and Hulkling which i know she can completely obliterate but they also aren’t usually put on defense.
Aside from those 2 i feel like most of the time she either cant take a fight or she cant take a fight that well so i get the impression that she wasn't really made for battlegrounds i couldn't really picture my self using her in questing either i don't think she even benefits from the node in the mystic quest for eq and i don't think she’s that quick either so maybe she’s a war champion but already off the top of my head i can already think a lot of fights that she cant do or isn’t exactly amazing for.
Aside from those 2 i feel like most of the time she either cant take a fight or she cant take a fight that well so i get the impression that she wasn't really made for battlegrounds i couldn't really picture my self using her in questing either i don't think she even benefits from the node in the mystic quest for eq and i don't think she’s that quick either so maybe she’s a war champion but already off the top of my head i can already think a lot of fights that she cant do or isn’t exactly amazing for.
Oh, no, wait - that was before Necropolis came out.
Wong is amazing, now 😁
I get what you're saying, OP. It will be interesting to see if there's a place people thinks she shines.
It's just that his ramp up was too long
The ability to purify debuffs is ok but really only works against cosmics or armor up heavy techs. The unblockable ability accuracy reduction is nice and she may find a niche there but Kabam has released a few unblockable ability counters in the game.
Unless i want a specific combination of the above, i dont see why she is getting prioritized over any existing champs. Am i missing something? Would be good to hear from people who are consistently using her. I have only tested her on some formats.
I think you've missed my point - you really don't need to defend Wong to me, or anyone, really.
If you've always known how good Wong is, then great: but look back a year on these forums and you'll see plenty of complaints about Wong, his rotation, how he doesn't do 'Mystic things", etc.
Wong hasn't changed: his environment has changed, and so have people's perceptions of him.
The same may well happen with White Tiger, as more people get hold of her, and try her out in different content.
As far as Tiger, I've used her a bit, and she is really fun to play, I can see her doing really well in BG if they ever do some avarice/spite/ other power gain metas as she gets a piece of all the opponents power gain on top of a decent power steal of her own. You can't use doom in every match, and you may not even get him, having other characters that can do similar things becomes important.
One of my alliance mates used her for this WOW
I love her. Omly thing I don't care for is having to charge heavy to get to sp 3. But I deal with it. I use her against buff heavy champs. She shreds them. Others too, but she absolutely destroys buff heavy ones. Plus her animations are SIIIICCK. She's a breath of fresh air for the Mystic class.