Battlegrounds AI is able to parry you while holding block !?

I know this month has been hard for the game since kabam launched a poorly tested AW meta but come on from all the bugs I have seen in this game now the AI in battleground is able to parry me while I am hitting their block…!? What a way to ruin the last game mode that I used to find a bit of fun… it really makes me not wanna do BGS since a simple parry can make you lose a round. I’m gonna take a break from this game, maybe just burn energy while auto fight lower quests and see if kabam will fix this wreck of a game next month 👀…
Kinda rigged dice but Kabam have gave explanation that AI always roll a dice to decide which action to do next, just yesterday in War Showcase, it somehow rolled the dice 3 times and all 3 times it light intercepted me back to back 😍
The current state is the AI is now capable of doing anything we can and now things we can’t.
I can understand AI bugs are inevitable in all apps BUT seeing how Kabam just decided to not do anything and let it continue shows that they simply don't care... How come they can fix within 24 hours the Platinum pass purchase bug and other more serious bugs have taken years and we still have seeing no action from them? Oh wait the Platinum bug meant they were gonna lose money and thats important the rest doesn't matter.