Should I be stressing about the deathless champs?

I'm currently missing two peices from the deathless guilly champ as I think I missed the peice that was in battle grounds whenever it was. I still have the final peice to get from the guilly challenges so I'm only short 1 peice really..
I see that they are giving a dupe of her from the WOW objective over the next two weeks so now I'm feeling a bit stuck and wondering if I should be stressing about getting the 5k units together,(currently at 3.3k) buying the missing peice and doing the final guilly challenge all so I can get another point in the WOW objectives and cover the gamma one I missed earlier on and also get the dupe on her?
Or should I not stress and not worry about it and just go on as I was as I won't be missing out on much?
I am up to date on the KG deathless peices so hopefully this 5k spend will be the one and only that I have to do. Ideally I was trying to save up for 8.4 and be ready for that so I currently don't know what to do... any suggestion or help or info would be appreciated people?
I see that they are giving a dupe of her from the WOW objective over the next two weeks so now I'm feeling a bit stuck and wondering if I should be stressing about getting the 5k units together,(currently at 3.3k) buying the missing peice and doing the final guilly challenge all so I can get another point in the WOW objectives and cover the gamma one I missed earlier on and also get the dupe on her?
Or should I not stress and not worry about it and just go on as I was as I won't be missing out on much?
I am up to date on the KG deathless peices so hopefully this 5k spend will be the one and only that I have to do. Ideally I was trying to save up for 8.4 and be ready for that so I currently don't know what to do... any suggestion or help or info would be appreciated people?
and to add to all that I don't actually have a 'mighty avengers' counter for dani for that objective so all that work could end up being a waste unless I somehow pull white tiger or photon in the next two weeks aswell...
It's just the wait of WHEN it drops
The hulk boss is way more annoying
On a similar note, I feel like this month Kabam said, " think it should be normal to do every event and meet all ovjectives....hold my beer..."
I played really badly in this fight because I forgot what the phases were (and missed a few parries), but here is a text guide for ya.
With heal sponge, bahamet gains volatility whenever you heal reverse him, so you want to take a decent amount of block damage after using your sp2 so you can heal reverse bahamet and give him a chunk of volatility.
Phase 1: Use your special into the green blast. The way you break his armor is by knocking him down after using a special into the blast.
Phase 2: Use your special into the blast to get the cleanse charge, then you can safely parry the blast back at him.
Phase 3: Same as phase 2, except you can't parry the occasional orange blast back at him.
Phase 4: You can actually ignore the whole blast mechanic by just alternating sp2 and sp1. After you use your sp2, bait a sp2 from bahamet and you will heal reverse him down in no time. Alternatively you can play the ping pong game with bahamet, no special into the green blast required.
It will probably be worth it to pick up that last piece eventually since it seems like a lot of future content will hinge on us having access to those Deathless champs, and Kabam has already stated that the final Deathless Thanos will be a very potent champion that (I'm guessing) will be worth the wait and effort. However, "worth picking up at some point" and "worth stressing about right now" are two very different things.
That said, if you miss out on the last tier of the WoW rewards by not completing the Deathless Guilly objective, that would be quite bad. It's bad if you're Valiant because you miss out on half a Titan crystal among other juicy things, but it's probably even worse if you're Paragon since I think their last reward is the final Deathless King Groot piece. If you miss out on that, it'll make the catch-up even harder and it might be worth it to work hard these next two weeks to get everything sorted.
It’s a carrot gimmick. Big accounts aren’t sweating these challenges as they have everything they need to complete them. Mid paragon and below are being baited into unit drains and resource intensive rank ups. If that’s fun for you, have at it. If it’s a stress… don’t waste a year. It’s not like this is going to be the last time you’re questioning spending 5k units instead of dealing with some content.
And all the big accounts are going to tell you it’s all worth it- because they don’t have much else to chase. But be realistic- if deathless thanos is so broken that he is the answer to everything in the game and only the few who have him can accomplish anything after his arrival… none of us are going to be in this game very much longer.
I've just realised im currently on 14 pounts so even if I do both challenges and get the bonus point from doing the 7* deathless one I'm still only going to be on 17...
So I'm still one short.. can anyone confirm if the 'robot' by point has already been handed out? I was pretty sure I had only missed two on the first week and was hoping the robot and dealthless extra points would cover them but apperently I've missed 3 so even doing what I planned is pointless as I'll still be one short of the final milestone🤦🏻
All challenges done and 5k spent on guilly peice😭 but on the bright side I will be on 17 points once the grace points get given and atleast 7 points are up for grabs in the final month so I will still be able to get to 24 points😁
Thanks for all the info everyone much appreciated
They're not giving anymore grace points.
The grace points were 1 for robot if you didn't do it, and the deathless gully one.
How many points do you currently have?
The deathless champs are a fun addition to the game. I really like getting champs for doing difficult content.