Who is your least favourite champ in the game?

Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,494 ★★★★
Who is your absolute least favourite champion in the game and why?

Mine is Quicksilver because of how annoying he is with those little 3 burst multi hits he does, he just doesn't seem like the speedster he really is when it takes longer to finish a combo.

Besides that he is the most annoying defender for me hands down, always an insta ban.


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,782 ★★★★★
    Cgr and herc to me i dont like extremely boring and as pikolu said herc is just no skill needed
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,165 ★★★★★

    Iconic character who is totally useless.
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
    Definitely Herc, no question.

    I'll use him if I wanna smash my way through because I wanna get it done quick, and in incursions, but I find myself using him less and less as time goes on.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Pikolu said:

    so the hand holding here is you get an infuriate

    Jokes on you, the opponent just backs off and blocks, walks at me menacingly or starts flailing on the spot at the air when I Infuriate the opponent with Herc or OG BP.

    On topic, defensively Bullseye, I don't mind tough defenders, photon, kindred, to an extent onslaught, all fine. But Bullseye is 50lbs of **** in a 20lb bag.

    Offensively probably Herc, is ascended and r5d him and don't use him now as he just isn't fun, or Dr Doom. I don't like champions where their whole shtick is, this is your cycle, repeat this until you or opponent dies.
  • PandingoPandingo Member Posts: 1,194 ★★★★
    Hmmm. Gotta say I get frustrated by Nova and
    Pikolu said:

    Herc, because he is too easy to use. I prefer being rewarded for skill rather than having my hand held all the way to the rewards.

    For those who don't understand what I'm talking about, I'll lay out my complaints.

    Herc rewards intercepting, so the hand holding here is you get an infuriate that makes the opponent more aggressive making it really easy to intercept.

    His special intercept has a stupid long window to get that even if the opponent is at their 3rd combo hit by the time you hit them, it counts.

    Immortality giving unblockable and pausing during your attacks and specials is also stupid OP.

    Overall, I don't get any enjoyment out of him.

    I understand where he's coming from here. For instance. Kushala has a similar reward based on intercepts however the infuriate aspect of her kit is so aggressive and short that I actually struggle learning to intercept after her heavy. Whereas herc just makes intercepting almost laughably easy. That being said mine is a three way tie. Super-skrull/air-walker/nova. I don't know why but I have lost more stupid fights to the first two than any other champ just by blocking incorrectly or allowing the L3 to accumulate. Nova is tied just because his autoblock extends fights to an annoying time nowadays
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,308 ★★★★★
    And in future blob
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    @Toproller89 my least favourite champion is your favourite. (Quicksilver is my one of favourites 😡)
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Howard the duck.

    I wanted bullseye in the game for years but now I want him to die
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,624 ★★★★★
    Bullseye lmao
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 563 ★★★★
    Juggernaut and bullseye. Juggernaut because hes the most broken bgs attacker who escaped balancing via he was buffed and not an added champ and bullseye because hes awful to fight.
  • Shock29Shock29 Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Hulk Ragnarok. He shouldn't be that bad and can be handled with almost any champ but I find him to be the bane of my existence in this game for some unknown reason.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,896 ★★★★★
  • NorthstarrNorthstarr Member Posts: 73
    To use : I hate those champs too long to ramp up, those who needs expert skills
    To fight : Broken champs that you need a specific counter champ
    To buff : I still can't believe they didn't already buff Beast, Drax, Surfer

    I like Shan Chi the way is gaming play really feels like kungfu technics to do like 'kata'
    I like Sandman for is crazy fight animations

    Would be perfect if we could use any of our favorite hero as almost "equals"
    Mine would be Star Lord but I can't keep is combos so...
  • AecynAecyn Member Posts: 105

    Offensively probably Herc, is ascended and r5d him and don't use him now as he just isn't fun, or Dr Doom. I don't like champions where their whole shtick is, this is your cycle, repeat this until you or opponent dies.

    But there's just something so satisfying about his pimp slap backhand heavy attack! Otherwise though I agree, doom does a lot more defending for me.

    And herc I'll also agree on. I just bring him when I want to go brrrrrrr and ignore nodes. Does t always work.

    One champ I can't get into is Adam Warlock. His super aggressive style seems easy to mess up with how erratic the AI has been getting. When it works, it's fun at least I guess...

    Another type of champ that I struggle to enjoy are the ones that have a long cycle with timers that expire. Like gorr. His buff helped alot but sometimes you ramp up a bunch but just need them to throw a special before you can get the big payoff and they just don't. You lose all your buffs/debuffs and then you have to start over again.
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,589 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Herc, because he is too easy to use. I prefer being rewarded for skill rather than having my hand held all the way to the rewards.

    For those who don't understand what I'm talking about, I'll lay out my complaints.

    Herc rewards intercepting, so the hand holding here is you get an infuriate that makes the opponent more aggressive making it really easy to intercept.

    His special intercept has a stupid long window to get that even if the opponent is at their 3rd combo hit by the time you hit them, it counts.

    Immortality giving unblockable and pausing during your attacks and specials is also stupid OP.

    Overall, I don't get any enjoyment out of him.

    Then why did you ranked him up lol, should've leave him at 6r1 untouched.

    No need to act houlier than thou, that recent War Showcase would've been big big trouble for avg player if Herc got nerfed or didn't existed, I bet my own 6r5 Ascended Herc that even after his nerf, the game content will only get harder and harder, like that abs man fight.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,307 Guardian
    PT_99 said:

    Then why did you ranked him up lol, should've leave him at 6r1 untouched.

    No need to act houlier than thou, that recent War Showcase would've been big big trouble for avg player if Herc got nerfed or didn't existed, I bet my own 6r5 Ascended Herc that even after his nerf, the game content will only get harder and harder, like that abs man fight.
    I ranked him up to r4 because 2 years ago, I took the path of least resistance with content, and he has a nice synergy with Sersi. He is still r4 and I haven't used him in almost a year now except as a synergy buddy for Sersi.

    It was fun back then to Unga bunga content, but as I mentioned in my post, there is so much handholding with his kit that I don't enjoy using him anymore. There are a bunch of other champions in the game that are way more fun to use than herc. If they tuned down his immortality and made his special intercept actually have to be an intercept, then I'd consider using him again.
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 778 ★★★

    Howard the duck.

    I wanted bullseye in the game for years but now I want him to die

    I’ve been begging for Bullseye for years too but I still love him lol.

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,572 ★★★★★
    NEXTON said:

    I’ve been begging for Bullseye for years too but I still love him lol.

    Same here. Wasn't there a vote with him in it a few years ago?
    I swore there was, or maybe it was a dream, lol
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,648 ★★★★★
    Of course... Groot

    But with a Buff, Kabam may surprise everyone ...
  • PalistesPalistes Member Posts: 173 ★★
    Quicksilver. He disrupts my input timing. I have to adjust to use him and then readjust when I'm done, so I basically never use him. Lots of champs I don't use, but he is the one I actively avoid.
  • TheholyplungerTheholyplunger Member Posts: 89
    Frickin Green Goblin. AI is chaos, the sp2 timing is weird, his power denial is annoying, and he's otherwise a turd on offense. Miss the sp2 dex 10/10 incinerate and poison doing 500% of your HP. Use him offensively and you're lucky if you don't die of boredom before the opponent
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★
    Kamala Khan. Her move set is the most boring in the game.
  • Toproller89Toproller89 Member Posts: 1,494 ★★★★
    Palistes said:

    Quicksilver. He disrupts my input timing. I have to adjust to use him and then readjust when I'm done, so I basically never use him. Lots of champs I don't use, but he is the one I actively avoid.

    That's exactly why I don't like him for attack, and also when he evades and tags me when I'm fighting him, and his sp1 makes me dizzy
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    I want to change my answer, tried quicksilver, absolute hate his animations. Plus I get parried mid attack
  • ChiefGoatChiefGoat Member Posts: 224 ★★
    Human Torch
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