[Battleground] Elder's Mark cannot go to overflow?

The maximum quantity of Elder's Mark that each player can hold is 9000, but any overflow of Elder's Mark will not automatically transfer to the Temporary Inventory, right?
or it's a bug.....
or it's a bug.....

New season starts and I'm getting 2k+ after my 5 initial round and I'm back close to the max again.
Everything that shows up in the resource summary panel (aka the personal treasury) is just a counter of a currency. None of those things can go into inventory or the overflow. Elder's Marks are currency, so they cannot go into inventory or stash.
There are a number of reasons for this, probably high among them is the fact that Kabam doesn't want 9000 individual Elder Mark "things" to fill up the stash. Also, Elder Marks are not the only thing you can buy with cash or units that is subject to currency rules. Another thing you can buy with units are Victory Shields. They are also a currency, and so they are also just a counter in your treasury. They cannot go into overflow, because they literally do not exist as individual things.
Now, you're suggesting that anything that can be bought with cash should not be subject to a hard cap, and there's some logic to that. However, while soft capping the currency is possible, allowing them to go into the stash is a literal impossibility.