If 8.4 gives a class R3, who is your choices?

Hopefully its a generic, but if its gonna be a class Gem I have the following :
Mystic - Deathless Gully
Cosmic - Either roblin or deathless king groot
Tech - Shuri / Lady deathstrike
Mutant - Storm px
Skill - I only have korg as my only skill 7*
Science - I could do Titania if I really want to.
I will open a titan from WoE so im waiting till its updated. So hopefully I pull a new champ to R3
Mystic - Deathless Gully
Cosmic - Either roblin or deathless king groot
Tech - Shuri / Lady deathstrike
Mutant - Storm px
Skill - I only have korg as my only skill 7*
Science - I could do Titania if I really want to.
I will open a titan from WoE so im waiting till its updated. So hopefully I pull a new champ to R3
Tech- Number one option I would go with my favorite 7 star Mysterio
Skill is second best would go with black cat
Those would be the only two I'd get excited for
I didn't do necropolis so I'm far from becoming valiant so I can wait
Tech: Shuri
Skill: Black Cat or s20 Killmonger
Mutant: Domino (unduped big sad)
Cosmic: gorr or sersi
Science: Unduped spot lol
Mutant - Onslaught
Tech - War Machine or Mysterio. Would love to get Iron Man from the current Titan
Cosmic - Surfer. Would love to pull Gladiator
Mystic - Juggs
Science - I'd rather not get a science gem seeing as I already got one from Necro, but it would either be Morbious or OG Spidey if I dupe him.
Tech: Hulkbuster
Mutant: Bishop (unless I get a domino dupe)
Cosmic: Angela
Skill: Shang
Science: Hulk
Already have Domino and Knull at r3.
Also: there will most likely be some 7* crystals, so maybe we will pull great new options!
But even if I don’t pull anything nice, I would feel comfortable ranking one of my current r2 champs to r3:
If it is Mystic, I‘m currently torn between unduped Ebony Maw and duped Deathless Guillotine.
If it is Mutant, I‘m screwed… Already have a mutant r3 gem that I cannot decide who to use it one, for the lack of great options… (leaning towards Storm X)
Well I'm close to my next titan and hopefully open another one with 8.4 and wow so that heavily decide my choices. I also have venom and black cat at R3.
Mutant - onslaught if I get, otherwise duped sunspot or unduped domino.
Skill - bullseye if I get, otherwise shang
Mystic - kushala if I get, otherwise chavez
Cosmic - serpent if I get, otherwise gorr/maestro
Tech - Ironheart if I get, otherwise mysterio just to offend y'all in bgs.
Science is my most wanted class, I have Ham and Titania both I equally love. If I get science gem then I can take another using cats in a later date. Also who would you pick, ham (have 6* duped antman relic) or titania for r3?
Mystic - Chavez
Cosmic - Odin, my only cosmic (love the RNG)
Tech - Hulkbuster
Mutant - Domino or Sunspot
Skill - Black Cat
Tech: Hulkbuster or Shuri
Science: Titania or Hulk
Skill: Once again, no good options right now
Cosmic: Adam, Venom, or Gamora
Mystic: Chavez
If I pull someone like Kushala, Onslaught, White Tiger, Bullseye or anyone good from the Titan, those will also go straight to r3
Tech- Shocker/Iron Man but leaning shocker.
Cosmic- Gorr
Mystic- Kushala
Science- Hulk
Skill- Attuma
Tech: Shuri or Warlock
Cosmic: here we have a problem... Venom only choice, i dont like the rest I got
Mystic: Chavez or Wiccan
Science: Titania or Silk
Skill: another problem... Black Cat most likely
Mutant : Bishop
Tech: Shuri
Cosmic: Venom
Mystic: Wong / Juggs
Science: Overseer
Mystic: Wong/ sasquatch
Cosmic: Knull/ Maestro
Tech: Shuri / Deathstrike
Mutant: Onslaught/ domino
Mutant: domino or sunspot 🤩
Tech: HB 🤩
Skill: I don't have any 7* skill rn lmao
Cosmic: I'm waiting to try buffed gladiator, and deathless KG, I also have odin, gamora and gorr...
Mystic: I really like deathless guilly but I have duped r2 juggs that is waiting to be unleashed at r3
Cosmic - Venom
Mutant - Domino
Science - Photon or Titania
Tech - Probably would hold until I dupe my Iron Man, pull Warlock, or possibly Ironheart
Mystic - Probably would hold until I either dup my Sassy, pull Chavez, Juggs, Kushala, or Doggo
Cosmic- Venom(been holding t6 Cosmic cats anyway)
Skill - Black Cat
Mutant- Sunspot(unless I can dupe Domino)
Tech - Warlock
Mystic- America Chavez
Skill: Mantis
Mutant: Domino
Cosmic: Terrax
Tech: Shuri
Mystic: Chavez
Really don't want mutant though cause she's not awakened and I already have Bishop r3 buuuuut still a good choice I suppose.
Science: hulk
Skill nothing
Tech: shuri
Mutant: maybe storm
Mystic: I dont know
Cosmic: don’t have
Tech: Guardian
Mystic: Chavez
Science: Sandman
Mutant: Storm X
Mystic: White Tiger or Chavez
Science: Invisible Woman (unless I get a silk)
Skill: probably ronin, he is fun
Mutant: Probably Domino
Tech: OG Iron Man
Mystic: Sasquatch
Tech: Lady Deathstrike because my only other tech is Mysterio he’s fine at rank 2
Mutant: Bishop
Science: Titania
Skill: Shang Chi
Cosmic: Adam Warlock, Venom.
Mystic: America Chavez.
Tech: Shuri.
Mutant: Domino.
Skill: Shang-Chi.
Science: Hulk.
Out of those, I could rank up anyone except Domino and Shang-Chi. I like both of them fine as r2s and obviously ranked them up for a reason, but being fine with them at r2 and wanting to rank them up to r3 are two different things. So if I get a Skill or Mutant gem, I'll probably hold it.
But the rest of them would be pretty much instant rank-ups.
As for stat focus, I used to run crit damage but now that you mentioned it and I looked closer to the actual stats, I think it might be more advantageous to just get a flat increase to his special attack damage. Hey, come at me, bro. Your r3 Shang, my r3 Bullseye, outside at noon. Bring your fists to a knife fight, I dare ya!